I’d Rather Be Poor at Home Than Poor and Stressed At Work

Another take on the Great Resignation.

Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day


Photo by Shahbaz Ali on Unsplash

I have heard quite a lot in the past few months about how employers can’t keep employees. There are passive-aggressive signs on drive-thrus griping about lack of workers. There are whole billboards taken out to encourage people to “get off your butt” and get back to work.

Then there is the Great Resignation, where people are leaving the workforce in droves, many with no backup plan or job lined up. Stories abound of stores being closed because the whole staff quit in one go.

As a result, I’ve seen street-level advertisements in my area for starting wages of $13 to $15 an hour for jobs at Mcdonald’s. Everywhere you look, wages are rising and benefits are sweetening. Heck, Raising Canes is sending corporate executives to work the stores to cover shortages.

Honestly? I think it’s great. The front-line jobs that get so constantly crapped on by the Karens of the world are having their say, and their say is “this isn’t worth the crummy paycheck. I quit.”

Before I got a professional job, I worked a variety of retail jobs for over a decade, including a nearly eight-year stint at a grocery store. I’ve encountered a variety of horrible customers who griped about anything and used their power…



Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day

I write about everything from my experience with mental illness to politics to philosophy. Much of my so-called "wisdom" is from Tumblr dot com. He/him/his.