Societal Blackmail: The American Dream Never Served Women

The audacity of straight cis white male privilege.

Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day
Published in
9 min readJun 2, 2024


A woman with two blackened eyes. She is holding a piece of paper with a smile drawn upon it in front of her mouth.
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

I have written a lot about issues related to women, their struggles, and why they tend to choose the bear. I write these articles based on conversations with the women in my life, as well as perspectives from other women on the internet, but they are ultimately written from my position of privilege.

I also write a lot about capitalism in America and how broken it is. We have reached the point in America’s brand of unfettered capitalism where it has destroyed the concept of Boots Theory and there are simply no ethical choices that we as consumers can make. For most of us, the American Dream is dead, or at least on life support. We will never be rich, and we will always be a few missed paychecks away from being poor.

Today, I want to talk about the intersection of the two, and how capitalism and the American Dream has never served women.

I’m not even talking about the hard-to-overcome gender wage gap, nor am I talking about the many and persistent issues that face BIPOC women in particular, even though those are issues that should be addressed. No, I’m talking about how the American Dream is, and always has been, societal blackmail toward women in America.



Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day

I write about everything from my experience with mental illness to politics to philosophy. Much of my so-called "wisdom" is from Tumblr dot com. He/him/his.