
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2022

If you weren’t aware by now, the Things went to space. Yes, that’s right. We sent our beloved little Things to space on a fact finding mission.

If you haven’t seen the short film, be sure to check it out below.

The mission was for the most part successful. The Things showcased the full collection 100,000ft up into the stratosphere, but more importantly they also successfully intercepted a passing meteor shower, taking SAMPLES from it.

However not everything went to plan. Their ship — the Thingdoms Explorer — was knocked into orbit. Contact has been made with the Things, and we have been assured they are doing their best to navigate themselves home with the Samples.

Space Things…

In preparation for their impending return, there will be a wallet snapshot taken of all Thingdoms owners on 6th March 2022.


  • 5 different types of samples have been acquired.
  • Each type of Sample will have a different rarity and different aesthetic appearance.
  • If you own 1 Thing at the time of the snapshot, you will be airdropped 1 sample. If you own 69 Things at the time of the snapshot, you will be airdropped 69 Samples, and so on.
  • All Samples will use ERC-1155 token standard and will live on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • A wallet snapshot will be taken on March 6th at 11pm GMT / 3pm PST / 5pm CST / 6pm EST
  • Samples will be airdropped in the days after the snapshot, optimising for gas but also ensuring strong readiness.
Five different types of samples have been acquired. Each type of Sample will have a different different rarity and different aesthetic appearance.

At present, we have no idea what the Samples do.

We think the Things acquired them simply for their visual aesthetic — they do seem to be attracted to colourful stuff — but with further testing in the Thing Lab over the coming months, we hope to uncover their true significance.

