
Nijil David
Things I've Learned
2 min readFeb 25, 2017

- That was a 25 year old radio.
- Argh! Get lost!

From childhood, people advised not be angry with others and to control my anger. I was quite famous for it because for some reason, anger was related to masculinism.

As I grew, anger became forbidden. The society had this framework that one who gets angry is an epitome of bad character.

Tried a lot of anger management lessons but none clicked. So I concluded that my anger is going to stay and also the damages after it.

Then something exciting happened couple of years ago. I noticed a pattern in my anger. A unique trend in the activities after I got angry.

That was my secret.

“You want to know my secret, cap? I’m always angry” — Hulk

Rather than reducing my anger, I channel it to other direction and would fit a goal in front of it.

A good analogy would be taking a hard curve while speeding at 160mph. The chances of hitting the edges cannot be ignored but with less environmental damage, we can take the curve and move ahead at the same speed.

When I get angry, I do some work. With that rage, I get things done. Same goes for my wife too. I’ve noticed that she cooks 2–3 dishes in a short period of time when pissed off.

One of the positive things that happened to me was exercising. When angry, I’d run. It was not to calm myself but bring out the beast in me. This made me achieve my first 5km long ago.

The above method worked for me and my wife. I haven’t tested it on any other humans or animals.

Anger like love is a very powerful feeling. I’ve friends who count from 1 to 9 and backwards to get back in a normal state. Some learned boxing while others drank a glass of water and didn’t swallow it for a while. Some like Hulk is always angry.

Have a great day ahead.



Nijil David
Things I've Learned

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