Visualization Screencasts

Curated and Ordered

the piXel Mind
Things I Wrote
2 min readJun 21, 2013



  1. McCadless and Hans Rosling and more data visualization talks on TED make for a good teaser. These are the people and the talks that made data viz “go main stream”.
  2. Overview on Visualization - Quick overview from – you want to name drop in the data viz area – this one packs a punch


  1. Nick Felton talks about his anual report also a longer talk from Eyeo-2013 titled Process Processsing @feltron
  2. Viegas and Wattenberg at Pdf 2010 (created many eyes at IBM and are now at goog ). Also See : FlickrFlow


its all the rage.

A quick overview, followed by two presentations from the incredible data journalism team at NYT. (watch for their commentary on ‘”templatized” visualizations, and ones created to convey a point of view)

  1. Overview : Journalism in the Age of Data, Ch2. … Data Journalism - part two (also see : the other parts)
  2. Amanda Cox from NYT
  3. Kevin Q from NYT

Also see ( and be delighted by): a collage of visualizations.


its important.

Noah Ilinsky at Linked In (design principals)


yup. it is a category by itself !

  1. This week, a visualization talk about twitter + tdvAds was all the rage at Cannes Lion. (excerpt)
  2. People have created many many visualizations using twitter firehose data. Here is one that uses tweets from twitter employees to infer the org structure!

Dynamic Visualization

aka Bret Victor (@worrydream) ‘s work

  1. Drawing Dynamic Visualizations
  2. Also see: everything on his site really, but when despondent - just tune into parts of this.

Using Data

Not visualization per se, but various product people and data scientists talking about data and using it.

  1. Data Science & bitly: Hilary Mason
  2. Making Data Science Work for you : dj patel and josh elman talk about using data for product design



the piXel Mind
Things I Wrote

Interaction Designer, Mom, Reader of Books twitter @mayavenkatraman insta - mayavenkatraman