Things I learned: Living with 3 adults in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom flat.

Tawanda Kanyangarara
things ilearned
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2018

Addressing Time Management when your schedule is interrupted.


Appreciate being alone

Molding your time around life is better for you than molding life around your time

Every negative has a positive

Personal space is a twenty-first century idea, that has now — I feel — taken is place within me. Now knowing that with the ever increasing difficulty in acquiring privacy, ones schedule is always at risk at being disrupted.

It never dawned that the effect of not having on demand access to your own bathroom could adjust my mood. Don’t get me wrong I strive to enjoy everyones company and express some sense of Ubuntu (ps.the philosophy, not the operation system). The fact still remains after a certain amount of time, everyone cracks. This is how I saw the brighter side of having to share my space and time. More specifically Spacetime.

Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tell spacetime how to curve

— John Archibald Wheeler

Here I am at 04:00 writing this article because this is the only time I can walk around naked in my own house, figuratively and literally. I have personally underestimated the need for personal space, having spent a substantial part of my life in communal living spaces (such as boarding school and university halls of residence). Mostly being known as a night owl and spending my late late evenings trying to “read the internet” — as said by one of my brothers — getting up early has never been my thing. Yet recently i have gone to bed wishing my ever-so vigilant body clock would wake me up hours earlier than the rest of the household.

I listen to a lot of “Motivational” videos, I mean a lot. This topic belongs in another post though but its connection to this lies in the fact that I am always excited to apply some wisdom I have listened to into my subjective reality. Having heard multiple speakers talk about getting up early, Eric Thomas’ description of time management sticks out the most in this situation.

If you only have 24 hours in a day, your success is dependent upon how you use that 24. People talk about Oprah Winfrey, Tedd Turner, Warren Buffet, I don’t care how much money you make, you only have 24 hours in a day.

— Eric Thomas

Knowing that each situation at its very least, is double sided. Thus delivering to every situation an infinite possibility of completion. Some of these possibilities have a better chance of actualisation when one pays attention to them. Possibilities that require varying amount of focus. Negativity breeds negative actions though optimism breeds positive actions. What one focuses on greatly increases its possibility of actualisation. The more your do something the better you get at it. Ergo acquiring skills is a numbers game, more in more out.

Time and Space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.

— Albert Einstein

I found that if I were to accept this change in schedule I would be able to put in more ours into my tasks, getting better at them and thus cutting down the time need to complete them. This significantly reduces a repetitive tasks turn-around time.

Thus having to get up early for privacy and peace of mind I have found that I manage my time more attentively, even though this living arrangement is temporary, I have learned the value of being AGILE with ones personal time can translate into more personal time. Always being open to adjustments great or small will allow you to achieve more and continue down the path you set out.

Once the nest, residence or occupation, has be returned to its original state of 2 adults, the missing occupant will be missed and the space will adopt a certain aura of awkwardness. These realisations of spacetime will have an opportunity to be acted on.

But that is another story for later.

Thank you for taking the time to read some of the stuff thats in my mind

