Things Lab company presentation

Who we are and what we do

Alessandro Olivo
Things Lab
3 min readFeb 8, 2019


The context

Distributed Ledger Technologies are here to stay, even though people who only follow market cycles might be in doubt in these times of economic decline. They will radically change countless fields, even some of the most traditional ones, but at the moment there are very few market ready products, and even those that are ready are still far from mass adoption.

Many companies were born during the last hype cycle, especially after an ICO, but now they are facing extinction because of unsustainable business models (when we take cryptocurriencies’ positive price action out of the equation) and lack of experience or poor management skills.

Many crypto projects are bound to vanish aswell, but the phenomenon is not going anywhere.
From the ashes of the cryptocurrency frenzy of 2013, and during the blockchain frenzy of 2017, a particular project was born and has been slowly but surely growing: IOTA.
IOTA, and its underlying DLT, the Tangle, has brought a breath of fresh air to the sector, with an architecture that is not just a Bitcoin’s Blockchain copycat, but instead a totally new protocol; the aim is to be complementary to blockchain technologies, not alternative, by having mostly similar functions (which is obviously an over semplification), executed in a different way.

“IOTA should not be considered an alternative coin (altcoin) to existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, rather it is an extension of the growing Blockchain ecosystem. It’s meant to work in synergy with these other platforms to form cohesion and symbiotic relationships. IOTA is designed to provide one solution that no other crypto does: efficient, secure, lightweight, real time micro-transactions without fees.”

David Sønstebø, IOTA project co-founder, 17 November 2015

Many potential products that are not easily realized with traditional Blockchains, can be indeed easily and conveniently built using IOTA, in particular thanks to the properties of asynchrony (vs. blockchain’s synchrony), and 0 transaction fees.

Who we are

We are a group of experts from different fields and with various experiences in our professional past, and all of us have been working and experimenting with blockchain technology in many different ways for the past years.

In particular, we have been working with IOTA since 2016, and we love it for many reasons. We need to be clear though: by no means we are “IOTA fanboys”, most of us actually identify as “Bitcoin maximalists” (following Charlie Lee’s definition) and we have knowledge, expertise and experience with many other DLTs, being ready to use whatever solution is best to make our products or our customer’s products reality.

We are the uncontested reference point for IOTA in Italy (our main market, for now): our associates are the admins of the IOTA italian community, and we proudly organize and sponsor the italian IOTA meetup.

We have existing partnership with many businesses both from the DLT field and traditional industries, varying from consultancy, R&D, education, retail, communication and design, hardware production and commerce. If we don’t know how to do something, we know someone that does.
We are developing internal products in collaboration with high profile industrial partners, all of which are past PoC phase, and we already have working prototypes of some of them.
We are going to reveal very soon some of those products, and some of those partners.

In short:

The IoT and DLT products market share is expected to exceed a value of several billions in the coming years, and Things Lab is at the intersection of the two fields, as a specific competence center for IT, IoT, IOTA and blockchain technology.
In order to integrate these bleeding edge technologies into existing systems, there are many layers of complexity that need to be mastered:

that’s our job.

