Welcome to The Must Go List

Chad Zollinger
The Must Go List
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2 min readMar 24, 2017
Here’s a picture of a baby who is perfectly content. You are welcome. (Awww, thanks Chad! You’re the best!)

Ok. So we’ve joined up. We’re enjoying The Must Go List. Who really knows what it is, am I right?

Jk, I know what it is. I just haven’t really told anyone yet.

My bad.

Please forgive me (remember when I showed you a pic of a cute baby for absolutely no reason other than the kindness in my heart).

I’ve been pleasantly surprised that people have enjoyed my posts and sent in awesome submissions. Keep doing it! It’s the greatest.

For now, I’m just gonna fill you all in on what I wanted The Must Go List to become.

Years ago, on a planet much like Earth (exactly like Earth; in fact, it has the same name and location as Earth), my friends and I became perturbed by idiots (as we all have at some point in our lives). We began to compile a list of things that simply must be done away with. We called it the ‘Things That Must Go’ list.

Here’s a taste:

  1. People who get on the elevator to go up one floor
  2. People who don’t put their shopping carts away
  3. Having to physically be in the middle of a conversation
  4. Skirts with goodies (We meant to say “hoodies,” but we thought this was funnier.
  5. When your phone falls down the crack in your car
  6. When your phone falls down the crack in your butt
  7. Scab pickers
  8. Brothels
  9. Car booting
  10. Visible ear wax
  11. Sunburn blisters
  12. People asking what you’re doing for your future
  13. People who assume you have a future
  14. People who don’t have futures
  15. The future
  16. TV not working
  17. The head resting on hands pose
  18. The phrase ‘that is all’ in short statements
  19. Any adult male who uses the word “silly”
  20. That awkward pause after a failed joke… Ugh
  21. Use of the word “ugh”
  22. Spilt cereal
  23. Bathroom conversations
  24. The jalapeño bandit
  25. Chad. Must go. On a date
  26. Everything that rhymes with vestibule
  27. When you can’t clear your throat
  28. Badly timed salutations
  29. The Last Stubborn Piece of Ice

Anyway, you guys get the point, right? I wanted The Must Go List to become a place for people to come and vent their frustrations about the world. If you need inspiration for topics, please look through these great examples.

Thanks for reading peeps. Please help me add to the List. The never ending list. If you’d like to be added as a writer, please comment below or email me at chad@gigg.com



Chad Zollinger
The Must Go List

I work hard sometimes — Product | Marketing | Design