Addressing climate change and sustainability

Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2023

A few things from earth to the space.

Scientists are finding ways for humans to survive on Mars. It is not impossible, but why do they need to do that? One of the reasons is climate change, increasing waste and the “scare” that the world actually might end one day if we do not take care.

Let us look into some earthly specifics.

The global temperature has risen in the past many years and the effects are becoming more severe. I am sure this is a widely discussed topic from schools to every household and corporate offices. Things are changing but how much? We might not be aware of half of the problems that we will face or are facing because of that.

Steps taken

  • NASA and other private sector companies are working on building fully reusable rockets to make space exploration better and to reduce its impact on the environment to make it more sustainable.
  • Is using biodegradable material really possible for all the huge corporations? 100% biodegradable and or carbon free? Using carbon free products reduces the emission of CO2 and might stop the increase of global temperature. Apple has already started with it, and other organizations have as well.
  • 434 companies have presently joined The Climate Pledge and have started working towards making their companies carbon-neutral by 2040. Big names like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Dell, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Unilever, Bosch are also working towards it. Some aim to achieve carbon neutrality, and some of them are aiming for net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030-2040. Find some more insights here.
  • The sustainability journey of the companies founded by Elon Musk is something to look up to. SpaceX built rockets with the main aim to make it reusable. The self-driving cars do not only look “cool” but contribute immensely towards reducing the emission of the GHG.
  • The rising global temperature is itself an origin to problems like forest fires, which in result causes deforestation. Vegetation (Plans/trees) can absorb a lot of CO2, and it is that easy for us to contribute, just plant a tree and let it flourish; it is a place to start.
  • Using renewable energy (wind energy, solar power and hydropower) is one thing that we should be proud of since we can are contributing to it directly. Not only in businesses but for our daily purpose too. Using rechargeable batteries with renewable energy sources is the future, minimum waste and minimum GHG emission. Let’s just say it is good if you want earth to have a future.
  • I didn't know that being a vegetarian helped save the environment until I read this recent post. The article states that “Gates has pointed out in the past that the agricultural industry contributes roughly 24% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, with much of that stemming from methane emissions from livestock and fertilizer used to cultivate crops, according to data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”
  • Using organic products is not something to be labeled anymore, but it has become a household routine. The fertilizers that are used result in the production of N2O, which is a direct threat to the environment, and growing/ using more organic products will support the cause.
  • And of course there are many NGOs nationally and internationally that are working towards the betterment of the people and the plant.

We can harness the power of renewable resources, reduce CO2 emissions (GHG) in our households, reduce waste as much as we can, plant more trees, and strive to make eco-friendly vehicles/energy sources more accessible and affordable and be aware of sustainable technologies. We can be a bit conscious while buying the daily products we use and maybe spread a bit of awareness and keep this discussion going to find more ways in which we can contribute.

Note for the readers

Next in the environmental series, I am writing about technology and how it is helping us in the journey of sustainability and climate change. If you have any views, feel free to comment here.

Think about this; Imagine escaping the end of the world and colliding with the space waste or one of the many inactive satellites orbiting around the planet. We would not want that to happen! OR We can find ways so that we do not need an escape plan from our planet.




I use simple words to tell my stories. I write mainly about my experiences, life, tech, travel, ideas, nature and love.