The entrepreneur making health fashionable in Albania

Jon Barnes
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2017
Meet Nilda Nika, Founder of Fruit In and Dream Hacker Alumnus

On a recent road trip through Albania, Jim and I spent some time testing the new Dream Hackers Online Course with Dream Hackers Alumnus Nilda Nika ahead of the launch of her company Fruit In. You can follow Fruit In on Facebook and Instagram. Here’s Nilda’s story…

Hiya Nilda. Tell us a bit about yourself. What led you to set up your own company and become an entrepreneur?

Even though I’m working somewhere else and it’s a perfect place to work, for the last couple of years I’ve wanted to be an entrepreneur. I like the idea of taking risks and facing challenges, working in flexible timetables and being my own boss.

That sounds pretty cool. Tell our readers a little bit more about your company. What does it do? What problem does it solve?

Fruit In will be launching very soon. We deliver fresh fruit juices & snacks, and aim to promote healthy eating as a new trend of living.

We will take orders from our customers who do not have the possibility or time to go out and buy a fresh fruit juice, but still want to eat healthy and take the daily dose of vitamins.

We are going to deliver these drinks and snacks to them via motorbike & bike.

Our focus will not only be on selling our product, but also how we will go to our customers and how we will make them feel during the whole process.

Right. What stage are you at with it? And how’s the journey been so far? (we know entrepreneurship has its ups and downs, so be honest)

Well, since the training I have experienced these ups and downs, and that’s because a hundred of reasons. But also for hundreds of reasons I am still working to open my business very soon.

I am working continuously, asking for feedback from my friends and people who have tried this before, and I hope that if I am lucky, I will launch the business in September.

It tends to be quite the learning journey. Would you mind sharing some of the biggest things you’ve learned so far?

I have learned that whatever happens you should not let your dream go unrealised. Even if you do not have enough money to open your business there will always be a way through somewhere, of how to get it (if lack of money is one of your excuses).

I have also noticed that you will be surrounded by a lot of people who are skeptical about your business and the way you are going to proceed — but who cares?! Ignore their negativity and try to find some good points from their criticisms.

Trying to find some positive energy during your first steps, trust me, is so important!

Any tips or pieces of advice would you like to leave people with?

Be persistent, work hard and surround yourself with the right people. I think the combination of these three things is the key to success.

The Dream Hackers Online Course is a product by, helping people build strong businesses. Visit to get started and become your own boss.



Jon Barnes
Editor for

Helping people change organisations. Author of ‘Democracy Squared’, ‘Tech Monopolies’ and ‘Tales of Cool Companies’. Visit