Safe-Gnosis Backend Client

Alejo Lovallo
Think and Dev
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2023

— Multisig Transactions from the backend

Last month, we in Think and Dev were requested to create a Safe backend to handle and administrate transactions.

Also, for the server, it would be an excellent opportunity to use the TRPC library and Zod package to build and create a typesafe API.

Using Safe Core SDK public repository, let´s put hands on!


  • Node js v18
  • Typescript
  • TRPC
  • Zod

The public repository can be found here:

What we will build

At the end of this article, you will have a fully functional TRPC API which could also be used as a REST API with the following endpoints:

  • [GET] /owners: Get a list of the Safe owner's addresses.
  • [GET] /pending-transactions: Get a list of all Safe pending transactions.
  • [GET] /transaction?hash=${txHash}: Get information about a particular transaction.
  • [POST] /transaction: Propose a transaction to the Safe.
  • [POST] /transaction/confirm: Confirm (from one of the Safe owners' view) a proposed transaction.

TRPC Server

First of all, we will start by setting up our TRPC server. If you have never worked with TRPC, you have to know just a few things:

  • A query is equal to sending a GET request by query params.
  • A mutation is equal to sending a POST request with data encoded in your body request.
  • A context is like a general middleware for all your requests.
  • You could define any amount of middleware functions you may like, but keep in mind that your request will go first through your context function.

Zod validations

Zod is a typescript schema validation library that could be used when we define our trcp endpoints. Defining a schema is as simple as creating a zod primitive and then just creating a zod type. For example, for our get transaction endpoint, we have to require a transaction hash that has to be a string, so we will do the following:

export const GetTransactionSchema = z.object({
hash: z.string()

export type GetTransactionInput = z.infer<typeof GetTransactionSchema>

And then, in our trpc server we explicitly tell the server to validate the input automatically via zod:

  getTransaction: publicProcedure
openapi: {
path: '/transaction',
method: 'GET',
description: 'Get transaction',
tags: ['SAFE'],
protect: false,
summary: 'Get transaction by tx hash'

Safe client setup


  1. Ethers adapter

An EthAdapter, which contains all the required utilities for the SDKs to interact with the blockchain. It acts as a wrapper for web3.js or ethers.js Ethereum libraries.

  return new EthersAdapter({
signerOrProvider: safeOwner

Notice the provider we have chosen to connect with the adapter is one of the Safe owners because it will perform more than just read operations.

2. Safe API kit: For this step, you must first decide in which network your service will be running, for a full list of Safe transactions services please check here

const txServiceUrl = getTxServiceURL()
const safeService = new SafeApiKit({ txServiceUrl, ethAdapter: adapter })

3. Initialize Safe Service: Here we will be creating a SafeFactory service.

const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter: adapter })

4. Initialize Safe SDK: For this step, you will need to provide your Safe address.

sdk = await Safe.create({
ethAdapter: this.adapter,
safeAddress: address

And that´s it, you are already good to go and start using Safe automatically from your backend!

Get Safe owners

const owners: string[] | undefined = await this.sdk.getOwners()

Propose transaction

For this endpoint, you will have to:

  • Create a transaction: The only mandatory parameters to create a transaction are:
export interface MetaTransactionData {
readonly to: string;
readonly value: string;
readonly data: string;
  • Get the transaction hash:
const txHash = await this.sdk.getTransactionHash(transaction)
  • Sign the transaction:
const senderSignature = await this.sdk.signTransactionHash(txHash)
  • Propose transaction:
 await safeService.proposeTransaction({
safeAddress: this.safeAddress,
safeTxHash: txHash,
senderAddress: sender,

It is important to clarify that both the sender's address and the sender's signature have to match with a valid Safe owner. Otherwise, the proposed transaction operation will fail.

See pending transactions

const pendingTxs = await safeService.getPendingTransactions(this.safeAddress!)

const processedPendingTxs = => {
const { safe, to, value, data, safeTxHash } = pendingTx
return { safe, to, value, data, safeTxHash }

Get transaction info

Here you will only have to provide the hash of a valid transaction

      const {
} = await safeService.getTransaction(txHash)

Accept transaction

const transaction = await safeService.getTransaction(hash)
const response = await this.sdk!.executeTransaction(transaction)



Alejo Lovallo
Think and Dev

Sr. Blockchain Developer || WIP Software engineer || DevOps Consultant.