It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.

Why is Radical red?

Chris Thelwell
Think big, work smart.
2 min readJul 1, 2013


In Lewis Caroll’s Through the Looking-Glass the Red Queen famously states to Alice ‘it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.’ This is known as the Red Queen theory and is often used to explain evolution through natural selection in the animal world.

It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place

Lewis Carroll

In the digital age this statement is also true for today’s businesses.The race to just stay alive is so intense, with increasing competition from other sectors, new start-ups which appear from nowhere and the new internet giants born in the digital age. The problem is that todays businesses are built around efficiency, so business-as-usual and simply keeping up with the competition takes all the running they can do, they have no room to play and experiment with new ideas.

The solution is quite simple. As in the natural world businesses must embrace change, adapting and evolving to stay ahead. They need to be continuously innovating, exploring new avenues and constantly learning how to be a successful business. Scale is no-longer an advantage. Without being able to evolve, the giants of todays business world will become extinct and replaced by the smaller more nimble start-ups of the digital age.

So why is Radical red? Radical was born from the need to help our clients innovate. We enable our clients to stop running to keep up. We help them find new and exciting ways to get ahead and stay ahead.

