Ask a Student: Life as a Cambridge Law Student

Cambridge Faculty of Law
Think Cambridge Law
3 min readMay 9, 2018

Many future Law Students have questions about the student experience.

What is it like to study at Cambridge? How is Law taught as an academic subject? What are Cambridge colleges like? Our Cambridge Law students help answer questions like these, and the example below, through the Ask a Student email.

What is life like as a Cambridge law student?

First, I would say it is hard work! Law is a lot of reading, which is probably not for everybody, but I have found that I really enjoy it because it means learning new things. I had never studied Law before I came to university and so I had some doubts about whether I would enjoy it as much as I hoped, and thankfully I do enjoy it as much as I hoped and I know that I made the right choice! If you’re interested in law I think you will find it a lot easier to get through the reading than you might think, and I personally love learning something new everyday and really exploring the subject.

Outside of work I have found there are lots of opportunities to have fun at Cambridge, which I know not everyone expects.

I play netball twice a week with my friend, as well as going out at night to clubs or to watch theatre productions. There are lots of talks on all sorts of interesting subjects, and so many clubs and societies to get involved with relating to your interests. I go to Feminist Society meetings, for example, and I have also become involved with my College student union as Access Officer (trying to break down Cambridge stereotypes and encourage people from non-traditional Cambridge backgrounds to apply) which I am really enjoying.

So importantly I want to point out that Cambridge isn’t all work and life as a law student here doesn’t have to be exclusively about law unless you want it to!

On that note, the Cambridge University Law Society is a really great thing to be a part of and runs lots of careers events for aspiring lawyers at the university, so your ambition to pursue a career in law would be very well-supported! These events give you chance to talk to current lawyers about what their career in law looks like and how they got to where they are today, and I find these events really useful. On the other hand, not all law students go into a career in law and the general university careers service is really good at promoting opportunities across all sectors.

Do you have your own questions about the student experience at Cambridge? Email Ask a Student with your questions, and receive answers from a current Cambridge Law student.

As always, questions about the Law course are best directed to the Outreach Team at the Law Faculty, while specific questions about admissions are best directed to the college that you are interested in applying to.

The information in this article is considered correct at the time of publication.



Cambridge Faculty of Law
Think Cambridge Law

Articles from the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge