5 Legendary Apps Built with Angular Framework

Anna Popovych
Think Clockwise
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2020

According to Stackoverflow, Angular is one of the most popular frameworks. It is one of the most hyped, discussed and used technologies among software engineers worldwide. And there’s nothing weird about it: launched by Team Google, it deserves so much attention. And it is ought to be impeccable.

The story started with Angular JS in 2010. Six years later, Angular JS turned to its new better version, Angular. Since then, the Angular development team has been actively working on product improvement. Year by year, Angular developers get new releases and enjoy powerful upgraded features. With Angular’s help, they launch amazing software products. And today, we are going to talk about the most prominent ones.

the story of Angular framework

Angular: but why so popular?

Looking for a perfect tool for your next product development, you may have already considered Angular for this role. The framework allows building powerful web applications. But why is it so popular? And what are Angular’s advantages in comparison to similar tools, React and Vue?

The list of advantages may be quite long. Contributors are doing their best to keep Angular among front-end development leaders; skilled community supports the growth and provides informative feedback on each update. Thus, Angular has reached such heights.

To save your time, we picked the most important Angular’s features. Take a look at them and make sure you need to choose Angular as the main tool for your next project:

MVC architecture

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Angular is based on MVC architecture, which means that requests processing looks the following:

  • from an Angular app, a request goes to the controller;
  • in a controller, request interacts with a model;
  • and data for the view appears.

This type of architecture allows to isolate app’s logic from its interface; thus, the development process improves.

Out-of-the-box components

The number of Angular components and extensions available out-of-the-box is huge. With their help, software engineers can implement features of different complexity on front-end. No need to install third-party services, no need to waste time on meaningless downloads or struggling with unfamiliar documentation. At the same time, if you’d like to launch something exceptional, you can always find a powerful external solution. Angular’s ecosystem is a giant.


Angular framework consists of modules. The module is a special mechanism that allows creating groups of services, pipes and directives. Once combined, several modules create an entire software app. As a result, an Angular app looks like a puzzle consisting of numerous modules. Modulation is the reason for simplified debugging procedures.

Dependency injection

Dependency injection is a design pattern in software engineering. In any app, components and services are dependent on one another. Angular is the framework that allows injecting any component without damaging other parts of an app.

Angular as a tool for PWA and SPA

Using Angular, you can follow the latest trends and build progressive web apps (PWA) and single-page applications (SPA). With Angular, it is possible to provide native-like experience in user’s browser. We have detailed reviews on both progressive web apps and single-page apps, so you can always take a look at details and specifics of these apps. As well as find out how they can be useful for your business.

Top 5 apps written in Angular

Angular framework can serve big high-load projects as well as small startup apps. In this section, we prepared a list of famous high-load websites written in Angular. We bet you use some of them every day!

The best way to describe the framework’s potential is to demonstrate the greatest products built with it. And Gmail is the greatest.

This Google’s product has more than 1.5 billion users. Its intuitive interface and amazing performance are top features we’d like to emphasize. And if you plan to build a huge, user-oriented app, here you have a proof that Angular’s good for that.

Gmail is a typical example of single-page apps. It consists of only one page, and each time you open a new folder, the website doesn’t fully reload; only some components change. It provides seamless, uninterrupted experience users love about Gmail.

This bottomless source of information on any topic, fascinating articles and tried and tested tips responds to millions of users’ queries every day. And this is another Angular app.

Unlike Gmail the single-page app, Forbes is a multi-page web product. Every Forbes’s page looks and performs well on any device. On this example, we can find out what “write once, use everywhere” principle works. Angular allows building single codebase for different devices, platforms and operating systems. It significantly saves developers’ time and efforts so the team can focus on other tasks like continuous functionality enhancement.

PayPal the Angular app is one of the most popular global payment systems. With 305 million users, it strengthens its position even now, during a global pandemic.

Thanks to Angular, you can integrate PayPal payment system in any website. Besides, checkout.js, a tool written in Angular, allows seamless and fast checkout. Maybe it’s something you need to speed up the checkout process and upgrade UX on your website, isn’t it?

What website or app do you check current weather on? If you ever visited Weather.com, you’ve probably noticed its amazing functionality and responsiveness. This high-load website provides users with everything from a daily weather forecast to hot news or fascinating facts.

On the website, you can access different maps describing real-time weather conditions. Besides, HD videos from aerials are available. The website’s UI looks flawless, and that’s another impressive example of Angular apps!

Upwork is a freelance platform that brings together millions of specialists and businesses worldwide. The website is powered with excellent functionality, intuitive design and great data security features.

On platforms like Upwork, search and navigation features are essential. With Angular, Uber developers implement convenient filtering and help users to navigate over the website.

As you can see, Angular allows building highly-functional websites with top-rated UI/UX. Angular is one of the reasons the above-mentioned websites have reached success and won millions of users hearts. And it’s capable to help you reach the desired web business goals, too.

For more details about the framework’s potential and its well-known products, check our detailed review on the best Angular apps. And find your source of inspiration to upgrade your business with an Angular app, too!

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