Web Development Trends 2020 — Outgoing, Coming, Expected

Sofia Merenych
Think Clockwise
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2019

Trends come and go into oblivion, but one thing remains unchanged — each new trend in web development is aimed at improving user experience, achieve an even better connection between business and client, as well as facilitating our life in all its manifestations. In this review, we have compiled the main web development trends that were relevant in 2019 and will continue in 2020, plus some more unexpected innovations.

Voice Search

In 2020, half of the search queries will be voiced. However, this does not mean that SEO is dead, but rather the other way around — we will observe new approaches to optimization. The new request format will also mean a new content format because when a user makes a voice request, he receives only one most relevant response. Voice queries will sound in the format of questions, for example, “How to get a loan?”, and the answers will be step-by-step instructions and will be as clear and meaningful as possible.

Even e-commerce websites should get ready for the coming era of voice search. Voice requests like “I want to buy a blue leather jacket in size 10” will be more and more common.


In conditions of a constant increase in the amount of data produced, users no longer have free time to admire intricate designs and look for answers to their questions between the lines. This means that the trend of minimalism in web design will continue in 2020. Sites will become even simpler and more intuitive, and brands will try to convey their messages in the most concise way, and with the help of design elements as well.

This is valid for building SaaS apps as well. Don’t try to pack it with as many features as possible. Minimalism is a strategy to adhere to.

Personalized UX design

The personalization trend continues, and in 2020 it will affect such an important element of interaction between customers and companies as user experience. In the coming year, brands will become even more attentive to their target audience. They will do even deeper analysis and very detailed segmentation in order to ultimately personalize the user experience as much as possible.

AI-Content Curation

Smart systems have already learned how to select content based on user preferences by analyzing huge amounts of data about his behavior on the Internet. In 2020, this trend will continue and intensify, and we will see even more exact matches of the search query with the proposed options for web pages.

AR and VR

They have already become part of our reality — just remember the hype around the game Pokemon Go. Already in 2019, we could see virtual fitting rooms, for example. In 2020, the relationship between brands, user experience, and virtual reality technology will only increase.

However, it is expected that this technology will still remain expensive, but those companies that have the budget to implement these innovations in their user experience will have a clear advantage over competitors.


We heard about PWA a few years ago, and the approach has been gradually developing all this time. Users have already appreciated the ability to stay in touch with their favorite applications without access to the Internet. The popularity of the solution is also due to the fact that Google is good for pages that load quickly.

However, technology has gone further and the accelerated mobile page will be the trend of 2020. This format is ideal for services that work with static content, such as news portals. In addition, such pages go up perfectly in the search due to the reduced loading time and the ability to receive only relevant information since all unnecessary will be removed from this page.

Motion UI

This trend can be very interestingly combined with the minimalism that we have already talked about. It is expected that sites will become more lively and interactive, but without additional burden for users to perceive them. For example, designers will use such elements as animated graphics, background animation, and modular scrolling to attract attention and improve engagement.

However, there is an opposite opinion that suggests that the motion UI will not be able to make friends with minimalism. It is likely that the user’s attention will be captured by interactive elements so much that he will not be able to get to the bottom.

Want more web development trends? Clockwise has researched a lot of them so feel free to read the full story here!



Sofia Merenych
Think Clockwise

Searching for the balance between productivity and happiness. Business and technology writer