Are you Artificial Intelligent ?

Gagan Singh
Think Complete
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


Do you see ads of your interest when you open Facebook, twitter or any social media account ? Do you see links and news which interest you when you are on internet? Does that notification sound in your phone trigger your adrenaline and make you curious to check if it is a like or a reply to your post?

We are already taken over by the ‘Analytics robots’

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Last night I watched “The Great Hack” on Netflix and realized how corporations use data to control our moods and emotions. We all know how reddit users moved big hedge funds and wall street. The power of social media to unite humans and dictate them is bigger than the powerful speeches of leaders and bestseller books. You-tubers and Tik Tokers have huge fan following and have a big influence on the followers especially teenagers.

My wife wanted to shop for Nike shoes online and at checkout she was suggested to buy a hoody and a track pant and she ended up spending three times what she planned for. She was victimized by algorithms or let me call it as ‘Algorithmized’.

Try taking the gadget or device from your young or teenage kid for 24 hours and observe the irritation level in your child. Our kids are now having high IQ — no offenses, I meant ‘Irritation Quotient’.

Spellings, vocabulary and grammar are being ruined by auto-complete and that blue grammar line which comes in our text editors. So the systems are taking our intelligence and we are following them — basically we are already becoming robots.

‘Mark my words — A.I. is far more dangerous than nukes’ — Elon Musk

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

The acronyms LOL, OMG, GTG, TTYL and many more is the new English language. I asked my kid to use proper sentences and I got a reply ‘Dad, if you don’t use this language you are not cool’. In reality these acronyms make it easy to communicate on social media with minimum words. So the new ‘cool language’ is another weapon which is making us artificial intelligent. Result — reduced patience, reduced focus and short span of attention!

Do you still think robots will take over the world in 2050? They are virtually transforming us to robots and making us artificially intelligent.

I still have a hope. The universe runs in pattern, algorithms use data and patterns. The best data analytics and artificial intelligence tools can re-direct our thought process, but we still cry when someone close to us is hurt. We will always feel happy when someone hugs us and shows love. Let us tame the robots and keep the feelings and original thoughts within us alive.



Gagan Singh
Think Complete

Technology Enthusiast, Passionate about trending Technologies; Blogger; Investor and Trader; Love Spiritualism to live happier.