How To Be A Good Human Being

Andrew Liu
Think Good
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2017
Photo by Everton Vila via Unsplash

Are you ready for this life secret?

By being a good human being, people like you more. They’ll listen to and respect you. You’ll command influence.

Ready? Here it is:

Treat other people like people.

That’s it.

We Are All People

We seem to forget this fact all the time.

We treat others like connections, or a means to an end. We treat others like all that matters is their money, sex, race, height, career. We treat others like a walking sign that says, “I am a republican/democrat” and not like people.

We have this blinding “us vs. them” mentality. We label people as part of a group, and don’t see them as people.

via Extra Fabulous Comics

And the reason is simple: our brains are lazy, and stereotypes are easy.

As simple as “treat other people as people” sounds, our lazy brains would rather simplify others into one-dimensional things.

So here’s how to actually pull it off:

Keep your emotions in check. Whenever you start getting worked up, step back and relax. An emotional brain is a primal and efficient brain — a lazier brain.

Now, keep calm. See the person in front of you for who they are — a person. Not as an argument or debate, not as a belief. A person. Just like you.

See? Not so bad right? Just take it easy.

But finally, here’s the kicker…

It doesn’t count if you only do this with people you like.

You have to treat the people you hate — and the people who hate you — as people too.

That’s the real secret to being a good human being, and it’s tough.



Andrew Liu
Think Good

I’m a UCLA biochemistry student, trying to ask the world “why?” enough that it replies, “because.”