A Teaspoon of Poems

A Book of Haiku, Tanka, Monoku and Sonnets with Illustrations

Lubna Yusuf


Cover Lubna Yusuf

Dear Readers,

My book, A Teaspoon of Poems, is out on Amazon Kindle and is at #13 Bestseller List in Hot New Releases, within four days of release. It is also at #71 in the Bestsellers List in the most coveted Amazon Poetry section. This overwhelming love and response from readers fills my spirit with so much courage and inspiration. I could not have come so far without my readers and I would like to thank each of you for the support.

A Teaspoon of Poems is a book of haiku, tanka, monoku poems and modern sonnets, written along the soulful theme of the Sound of Silence. The book journeys through love, relationships and profound intricacies of life and
human emotions with passion and raw honesty. Each piece is accompanied with minimalistic hand drawn line art illustrations.

I hope you read the book with warmth and send me your reviews and critique. The e-book is available for android and mac Kindle apps and the paperback will release shortly. I shall keep you posted.

Much Love,

Screen record 18.07.2021

Book Link:

Screenshot Amazon Hot New Releases
Screenshot Amazon Bestsellers in Poetry



Lubna Yusuf
Editor for

BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna