Welcome to the new Think-it.

Alex Savas
Think-it GmbH
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2019

Today we’re announcing changes to our brand that are bold enough to match our ambitions.

We’re on a pretty serious mission to unlock human potential with technology — and two years in, we’ve made a lot of progress. As we faced our next chapter, we realized our brand needed to grow up with us, too.

Our new brand shows that Think-it isn’t just a way to hire a software engineer: it’s a new collective approach to distributed work that brings ideas, technologies, and people together around the world to make a lasting positive impact.

So, the new look reflects our outlook as a team: fundamentally optimistic — with vibrant colors, a humble typeface, bright iconography, and photos that (rightfully) show our engineers as the heroes of their own stories.

We’re so excited to share it with you.

Visit the new Think-it.

Shipping the Future of Work today.

Trust us: the only constant in technology is change. And we all love to talk about how change is coming.

But bright minds around the world can’t wait for traditional schools and economies to give them the skills and opportunities they need to build a 21st century career. Meanwhile, innovative companies can’t afford to wait for the engineers they need to build life-changing products.

We triple-checked — and GitHub doesn’t check your passport. So, we’re shipping the future today. When we accelerate and build distributed engineering teams with North Africa’s next generation of technical leaders, we stay motivated by two core ideas:

We believe that the Future of Learning is digital, fluid, and personalized and that the Future of Work is open, distributed, and inclusive.

We wanted our visual identity to reflect what Think-it gets done today, while also shining a light on where we plan to go next, including:

  • Excellence and Collectivism in our equal pursuit of technical craftsmanship and people-centrism.
  • Curiosity and Openness in the way we learn, solve problems, and grow with each other, our partner teams, and our communities.
  • Integrity and Ownership in the way we ship our work and put our values first.
  • Optimism in our vision for the Future of Work and the positive impact of technology for people around the world.

So, our new brand is a refinement of what makes us Think-iteers — combining the best of what our partners and communities already know and love about us, with a fresh focus on what we’re building for tomorrow — today.

Our logo

Our original logo is very near and dear to us. The diamond shape represents the clarity of purpose that kept us going in those early bootstrapped days and sleepless nights: a camera shutter, with the untapped potential of our engineers as our focus.

We wanted our new logo to pay respects to our roots, while also reflecting the values we have honed along the way:

Transparency. Global excellence. Collectivism. All the individuals who make up our stronger whole. And the power of changing people’s realities and perspectives.

Our colors

Our new colors complement the moxie that we bring to a really important mission. We take our craft and goals very seriously, but we also create a lot of joy and weirdness along the way.

For our primary color, we chose a bright blue that you can’t miss as you walk through the doors of Tunis. It represents our team spirit, regional pride, and the global bridges we’re building with technology.

Our supporting colors represent our two biggest strengths: our “gray matter,” and the passion we use to solve tough technical challenges every day.

Our font

We chose to use the Lato typeface family. It’s friendly, versatile, and modest — keeping the focus on our ideas, not the text itself. Besides, we spend most of our time in your codebase anyway!

Plus, “Lato” means “summer” — a natural fit for us in Tunis, where it’s sunny most of the year. 🌊🌞

Our iconography

We speak and code a wide variety of languages at Think-it — and that’s not even counting our partners! But everyone loves a beautifully-designed icon.

We wanted our iconography to pay homage to the technology stacks that inspire us, and the powerful Berber script and symbols that are interwoven with our North African cultural history.

The results: Our icon style is flat, colorful, and unafraid of a little whimsy — with references to our new logo to pull it all together.

Our photography

If you close your eyes and imagine a superhero, it’s probably not an engineer — right?

But, behind our smudged glasses is the power to bend exponential technologies to our will. Engineers can build things that literally save lives — and also just make them a little bit easier and more meaningful.

That’s why our photography focuses on what inspires us most: Our people!

We’ve learned that the key to successful distributed work is integration and relationships. Really building a connection with everyone on your team, no matter where they are.

So, our goal is to show teams around the world that regardless of our gender, personality type, or passport, we each have high standards of integrity and aspiration — and an interesting story to tell. And probably a lot more in common with you than you think (like a love-hate relationship with JavaScript).

With gratitude

We want to give an enormous shout-out and “thank you” to everyone who helped us bring this new brand to life, including:

Our incredible creative team: Martina Nikolova, Arthur Lang, Yildiz Alidzhikova, and Katya Skvortsova.

Our fellow Think-iteers for all the brainstorming, inspiration, and feedback.

And our very own Hamza Sayadi for building our website.

We can’t wait to find new ways to build upon this vision as we enter a new chapter of growth in 2019 and beyond!

Want to join us?

We’re always looking for opportunities to build amazing distributed engineering and data science teams with innovative partners. Get in touch with us at partners@think-it.io or visit our website to learn more.

