Singapore… (Part #1)

Yusuf Erdo
Think out of the net
2 min readJun 14, 2009

It has been 1 month and 10 days… I am in Singapore and I have started working in Singapore. Singapore is tiny island in Pacific-Asia and most of people on earth can hardly show it on map. Even if you know where it is it is not easy to find it on a world map due to its size. Although its size is small, it is a big city-state in terms of life and economy and it is one of the four Asian tigers. There are people from almost every nation, race, religion, color… It has got one of the most active ports of world and in every 3 minutes a container ship is arriving or leaving.

When you first come into Singapore the first thing you will realize is hot weather and diversity of people. It has got tropical weather conditions and it can rain hardly anytime. In this small island there are 4 official languages and 3 major races. English, Chinese (mandarin dialect), Malay and Tamil are official languages. Percentage of Singaporean-Chinese people is ~%75.2, Singaporean-Malays are at ~%13.5 and Singaporean-Indians are ~%8.8 and others are ~%2.4 . In streets even though people have different ethnic background they identify themselves as Singaporean and having different background or speaking different languages is not a barrier or reason for a conflict. This country with its very low crime rate is a country of peace…

In this country almost anyone is able speak English but still almost every signboard has all 4 languages and all announces in metros are being announced in 4 languages. For example when you get in that very long metro trains you might be amazed how many different kind of people there are. You might think that there are mostly Asian looking people but if you look at carefully, you will realize Hindus with their red or white sing on their head and traditional clothes, Muslim men with their caps and women with their headscarf, Sikh men with their kesh, Malays or Indians with their dark skin, and Chinese people with every diversity that others have, European expats, Asian expats and list goes on…



Yusuf Erdo
Think out of the net

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