Building chat experiences with Twilio and Meya bot

Alex Kinsella
Think Outside the Bot
3 min readDec 4, 2020

In today’s feature spotlight, we’re showcasing one of our favorite integrations- Twilio.

Why bots and Twilio are a perfect match

In our always-on world, your customers want to be able to interact with you when and where they find it most convenient. Here’s why an SMS enabled bot can really impact your business:

  • Over 5 billion people have access to a mobile phone that can send and receive SMS.
  • In a 2019 survey, 80% of people said they preferred SMS for business communications because it was faster and more convenient than phone or email.
  • Another report said that 52% of people are more likely to text with a customer support rep if given the option.

With Meya’s Twilio integration, you don’t need a whole new bot. The same bot can be used for the web with Meya Orb and SMS.

There are a ton of ways SMS can be used to improve customer experience, here are three excellent examples of many:

Use Case 1: Meya and Twilio for customer support.

Supporting multiple channels to one bot is a great example of where Meya simplifies development and expands your options to connect with your customers. Whether they’re looking for support or have questions on pricing, your bot can interact with them the same way over different channels. Check out our post on integrating with Front to see this in action.

Use Case 2: Creating interactive marketing from print ads using SMS

Real-world marketing assets such as print posters, digital signage, and transit ads let you reach customers as they move about on their daily journeys.

Including URLs or QR codes directly to aTwilio-connected phone number lets them begin an interactive conversation with your business right when their interest is piqued. SMS messages get read. Compared to a 20% open rate for email marketing, text messages have an average open rate of 98%.

Use Case 3: Streamlining the delivery notification process

Two of the most prominent use cases for customer service chats are tracking packages and delivery notifications.

The Twilio integration supports a conversation flow to enable faster, asynchronous delivery notifications. The driver can send a message through SMS to the Meya bot that package #123 is delivered. The Meya bot can then look up the customer that the package is associated with and send the customer an email or SMS notification, letting them know their package is waiting for them at home.

These are just a small sample of the types of conversation flows you can build with Meya. Have questions? Just click the Meya Orb in the bottom right corner, and let’s talk.

Originally published at on December 4, 2020.



Alex Kinsella
Think Outside the Bot

Freelance content marketer. Curates @gettlwr . Running from my problems with @RunWaterloo . I make skateboards too. He/him.