Doubling down on developers — introducing Meya v2.2

Alex Kinsella
Think Outside the Bot
4 min readJul 20, 2020

Meya launched four years ago with a mission to help businesses deliver outstanding customer experiences with conversational artificial intelligence, workflow automation and industry-leading integrations.

We’re more than just another bot platform. The Meya CX automation platform is used by clients around the world and across different industries to help their customers with support, sales, and more.

Over the last few months, we’ve taken lessons and learnings from our clients and rebuilt Meya to deliver even more. We’ll be digging into how we take this feedback and turn into features in future posts. When we’re designing these new features, we hold true to our belief that the platform should let developers build the way that works for them-and has the tools and integrations they need to create engaging experiences for your customers.

Meya v2 has been in private beta with a few of our current clients. Earlier this month, we released version v2.2 with a ton of new features and improvements. Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the improvements you’ll find in our latest update.

Making integrations even easier

Putting developers front and center has been part of the Meya platform DNA since day one. Developers can build integrations in two ways. First, you can write Python code for custom integrations that run on the Meya Grid. This lets you make API calls directly to your own web application.

Second, Meya is designed as an open platform. The Meya API & Webhook provide an externally accessible RESTful API for integration development. Webhook integrations give you a quick path to developing integrations into your web application.

self.user.identify(EXTERNAL_ID, data={"name": "Kaiser Sose"})

Meya v2.2 includes a major update to the way we identify Meya users and threads that makes building your integrations almost seamless. These identity improvements in v2.2 make integrations work that were previously impossible without the correct user and thread modelling. As an example, you are now able to have multiple threads associated with one user. This is critical in integrations with support systems where a user has multiple support tickets and your agents need visibility on open and closed support issues to properly help your customer.

Building your own front-end experience with the Orb API

Meya goes beyond traditional digital assistant bots with Meya Orb. But we know there are cases where you want the robust features of Orb with your own look and feel. We’re excited to introduce a headless mode of the Meya Orb API. Developers can build their own front-end chat experiences with the full power of the Meya platform.

Orb interactions are coded using JavaScript and can easily be integrated into a web application using everything from vanilla HTML and JavaScript to React. The Meya Orb API also gives you the power to integrate the full Orb chat right into your web application. It’s the complete Orb experience that can interact with on-page events.

Here’s a quick look at how you can build your own experience with the Orb API.

Enhancing customer support platform integrations

Virtual assistants help you scale and support your most valuable resource-the humans who support your customers on a daily basis. As with all our features, you ask and we listen. These four features are designed to enhance our customer support platform (CSP) integrations.

First up, we have support for static and ephemeral status messages in chat. The example we like to use is the chat queue. With this new status message support, you can display a dynamic message letting the customer what position they are in the queue for support. These messages automatically update as you move customers into your CSP. Other use cases for this can include notifying when an agent joins or leaves the chat or alerting when an agent is connected to the chat. The ephemeral messages disappear from the chat history, but all static status messages stay in the chat history as signposts. You can choose how to display these to ensure you’re delivering the optimal user experience for your customers.

Next up, we’ve enhanced our CSP integrations to automatically import and display agent avatar information in the Orb chat window. Meya v2.2 will support this with the Meya Directly, Freshchat and Salesforce Live Agent integrations. Agent avatar and agent name support works with the headless Orb API updates we talked about earlier. We’ll have more CSP integrations coming in the next few weeks too.

We’ve also added in support for Markdown in Orb chat threads. Markdown is a commonly used lightweight markup language. You can find Markdown support in content management systems such as Webflow and WordPress. It’s also well known as the language of choice for developers when documenting code repositories on GitHub.

Markdown makes it easy for agents to quickly format responses back to customers in a thread. Markdown support brings a rich set of formatting options for use in threads. It supports standard formatting such as bold, italic, ordered and numbered lists, and headings. It also automatically hyperlinks URLs when recognized-reducing the time needed to share support or other links in chat. The use of Markdown is supported for both bot interactions and agents in Meya v2.2.

Last but not least, Meya v2.2 introduces multi-participant conversations. CSP integrations with Meya can now support handover and other instances where having more than one agent in a chat is necessary. Your chat flow can now include the ability for one agent to bring another into the chat thread as part of a handover or to add additional support during a chat.

You’re next in queue

We want you to experience what Meya can do for your customers. Click Request Access above to connect with us today!

Originally published at on July 20, 2020.



Alex Kinsella
Think Outside the Bot

Freelance content marketer. Curates @gettlwr . Running from my problems with @RunWaterloo . I make skateboards too. He/him.