Do You Want To Get Into A State Of Flow?

#356 Create a state of creative flow

Johan Rosenstrid
2 min readJul 23, 2017


How powerful is the mind? The deeper I study the mind & its possibilities, the more impressed I get. With the right input from the outside, you can bend your mind into a really strong one.

If you decide to create an outer world surrounded with impressive people. This outer world will eventually form your mind to become stronger.

However, you still need to work with the inner input. What you say to yourself and how you handle yourself. By writing a journal for example you will see what language you use with yourself. Are you degrading yourself or helping yourself?

Get to know yourself

My intuition tells me it’s very important to know yourself. To understand how you think, what you believe and how to motivate yourself.

By investing time into understanding yourself. You will be able to look through your own bullshit. In this way, you can crush your fears and make things happen. Screw the bullshit and create empowering stories.


For the last two days, I’ve watched plenty of Jason Silva’s videos. In his videos, he walks into nature and when the time is right he get’s into the zone. Once he does, he picks up his camera and records himself.

By doing this he comes into a state of flow and while being there, he makes rants about different subjects.

When going into a state of flow, the inner-critic mind shuts down. You get super focused, your perspective on time changes and the actions you take feels smoother.

Hack my state of flow

Today I decided to do what Jason Silva does. I walked into the forest, and after 25 minutes I felt how my mind got into a state of flow. I took up the camera and recorded myself make a 10-minutes rant.

It was in Swedish, and therefore I can’t upload it here. Anyhow, it was incredible to feel the power of flow and how you can hack yourself to get into a state of flow. It’s differently worth doing again.

Your challenge

Make yourself get into a state of flow by trying what Jason Silva does.

Learn more about the flow state with the video below:

Originally published at Johan Rosén.

Day 356 of 365 days doing something scary/thrilling/exciting

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Johan Rosenstrid

Making daily experiments and sharing it with the world. Done a 365-day challenge.