The Last Day Of A 365-Day Challenge

#365 Do something scary, thrilling and exciting

Johan Rosenstrid
3 min readAug 1, 2017


Me speaking in front of ca 900–1000 people

Where are you going to be a year from now? Are you going to be stuck at the same place? Or are you going to step up and live an exciting life?

One year ago I sat in my bed, dreaming about living a better life. Living a life which is exciting. I wanted to feel alive. When was the last time you felt truly alive?

I decided to change my life. I had to do something, which would make me feel alive each day. The only question was:


Writing down ideas

Many people walk around thinking about ideas, however, writing down your ideas make them more tangible. By writing down your ideas they become clearer. As well, you can start to write down strategies & tactics.

With a pen and paper, I started to write down different ideas. After a while, it became clear. I was going to do this blog.

This blog

For the last 365 days, I’ve been doing something scary, thrilling or exciting. Every evening or night I’ve written down my experiences & thoughts. Afterward, I edited the posts and published them.

During this year I’ve learned many things and meet a lot of people. Thanks to all of the support around me, I’ve been able to continue this blog. A big thank you!

The last day

Today I decided to do something scary, thrilling and exciting. I began with the worst.

I began the day with doing something scary & a bit crazy, which was to do an almost full body waxing. This felt a bit uncomfortable and it included a lot of pain. Life with an open mind hurts some days.

After that, I decided to do something thrilling. This was to accept an offer of working in a store within a new industry. I will do this for the next three days, and learn some new skills. After that, I will most likely have some days off until I begin my main project the 14th August.

The last thing I decided to do was an exciting action. This was to meet a friend of mine during two hours. To discuss life, business, and the future. To be around like-minded people makes me feel very alive.

Your challenge

Do something scary, thrilling and exciting today that will make you feel alive.


As with everything in life, there’s an end to it. This was the last chapter of this 365-day challenge and this has been the best year of my life. All the people I’ve met, all the results I’ve created and where I’m heading thanks to it.

To do a challenge like this has been the most difficult thing I’ve done. It has made my skin thicker and I’m feeling more confident & grounded.

It makes wonders to write down what you think about each day. However, before you start a 365-day challenge. Make sure you’re really passionate about the project. Because the show has to go on each and every single day.

Now awaits a new journey and a new day. Thank you for following, reading and supporting.

Yours Sincerely,

Johan Rosén

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.” — Joseph Campbell

Originally published at Johan Rosén.

Day 365 of 365 days doing something scary/thrilling/exciting

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Johan Rosenstrid

Making daily experiments and sharing it with the world. Done a 365-day challenge.