The Memories We Make

#102 Encourage people who need it

Johan Rosenstrid
4 min readNov 11, 2016


It’s unbelievable to think I’ve already hit day 102 on this journey. The days have gone by fast. Sometimes I think about it all and I feel contentment.

All the different stories I’ve heard & co-created on this journey. With each person, I’ve learned something new.

Without inspiration or input from people, it would be hard to write each day. Sure, a lot of what I write comes from my intuition of what feels right. Yet, a lot of my context comes from reflection, studies, and experiences.

Today’s challenge

Sometimes people reach out to you, for your knowledge and expertise. For many years I’ve made experiments and studied about us, humans. What makes us happy, how we think, why we act as we do etc.

All my memories from field-experience and studies have given me some knowledge. I’m not near to be an expert because I’m just 21 years old. Yet, I’ve got some stories to share to those who needs it.

When people reach out to you with difficult problems in their lives, you may wonder. “What can I do here?”. It’s the important question to ask.

What I always do is to shut my mouth for a while, and just listen. I let the person speak, and I ask questions to understand the person in depth. I often ask with genuine curiosity, because each human is unique in their own way. We’re beautiful.

When the time’s right I go to my intuition and feel what action I should take. Sometimes the person just wants to get seen, and then the problem gets solved by listening. Other times, the person needs some advice to get up again.

Today I listened to the person who reached out to me. Then I listened to my intuition about the situation and I gave some advice. It felt like the right thing, and the response was great.


Lately, I’ve dug into a lot of Philip McKernan’s work. He describes how we humans are experts on two things.

  1. To make our lives complex.
  2. To justify why we’ve made our lives complex.

We try too much, consume too much and forget something important. To simplify everything. Health, relations, career etc.

We can make our lives easier by doing the most important steps, and take away all the fluff. All the things we do to look better in other people’s eyes, but we actually don’t like to do.

Simplify life

Right now I try to find ways in order to simplify my life. Ways of how I can improve and simplify my writing, health, and career. My purpose and what I want to do. To simplify it all.

Encourage other people

It’s scary to encourage people sometimes. Because you don’t know how they’ll react, or what they will do with your advice. What I’ve learned anyway is that you can only help people who want to get helped.

But don’t give up hope, you still have an opportunity to encourage people. The way to do it so to set an example. To show people the good life by the image you live up to, which gives inspiration. Even the haters won’t stand for long, they will soon ask you curious questions.


Right now there’s a myth in the world. It says that we should spend years on our own, and stay out of relationships. In order to understand ourselves, or even find ourselves.

Yet, one of the most gratifying and biggest lessons shows up around other people. When you get to watch what reactions people give you about your presence. This gives clues to who you are right now, and what you could improve in your life if you want to.

In our lives, we go through different periods. Sometimes we go through days with success, hardship or just neutral days. We all go through it, and it’s easy to get caught up in our own story.

But don’t forget to take a moment to breathe sometimes, and just enjoy the moment. Right now, you’re alive and here’s a moment to embrace. Do the best with it, and don’t forget to give back to people around you. You never know the size of impact you can make on this world. One step at a time.



Johan Rosenstrid

Making daily experiments and sharing it with the world. Done a 365-day challenge.