The Value You Create For Others

#364 Connect with someone from a prior event

Johan Rosenstrid
2 min readAug 1, 2017


It’s the day before the last post in this 365-day challenge and it feels a bit weird. Soon this challenge will be over, and I can start the next one.

There are so many lessons which I’ve taken with me along this journey. So many people I’ve met, things I’ve done & accomplished. And all the time, this blog & a question was in my mind:

“What can I do today that will bring value to other people?”

How people impact your drive

If you want to keep your energy & drive on top, you need to be mindful of the people you have around you. The energy of the people you have around you the most will impact you.

With this in mind, you have the option of creating a network with people who support each other.

Today I decided to meet a person who attended the same educational event as me earlier this year, however, we’ve not met before. We began a conversation on Facebook and then we decided to meet.

By taking this action, we were able to share lessons and inspire each other to take more actions on our goals.

Your challenge

Write/call to someone you would like to know. Create a conversation, give value and set up a meeting.

Originally published at Johan Rosén.

Day 364 of 365 days doing something scary/thrilling/exciting

What’s happening next? Make sure to follow my journey on Facebook & on my e-mail Newsletter below.



Johan Rosenstrid

Making daily experiments and sharing it with the world. Done a 365-day challenge.