Four Days of Schwifty Design-basking

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3 min readApr 16, 2018


For the longest time, whenever anyone asked me what I was doing, I would say that I was purposefully chasing fulfilment. I had a Twitter Bio done up to reflect this too:

“…data curious physician. UX-inclined wonder with languages, comms and people. Schwiftily exploring my superpowers…”

Rick and Morty fans would dig the “schwifty” reference in this excerpt.


I think that life is full of surprises, and design enables people purposefully navigate bumps and ditches, bringing elements together for a wholesome experience.

“Life is designful.”

I could find no attribution for this on the internet, but it feels like something a design-enabled authority would have once posited.

This statement probably explains, in the simplest of terms, how a female physician began a journey in research and comms, and segued into learning user experience with the Think Senpai Design Talents Fellowship.

“ UX Designer is a leader, a process evangelist, a generator of insight, a purveyor of context, and a creative ideation machine. UX Design, as I’ve said elsewhere, doesn’t really have any deliverables other than value.”

Ian Armstrong said that, and much more, here.

Image by Me!

The first quarter of 2018 presented me with many bumps and ditches to navigate. Each tour and sudden brakehold was another reason to make a decision. Of all my interests, design and user experience were the pair I had spent the least amount of time in.

I guess it came as no surprise to my many selves that the Think Senpai Design Talents Fellowship was something I simply had to do.

I filled out the application in ten minutes, going over it over and over before hitting, “Submit”. I wanted it, and was scared of it.

Yes, I had the one Google UX Masterclass in the bag, and my (nearly) consistent habit of personal UX experience documentation here, and, what I thought was not much else.

My interests in user experience and design are oriented towards problem solving in international development. International development is however, not a space which readily intersects with technology, for most people. I know how often I have heard this: What business does a doctor have with design?

It is my goal to come up with increasingly creative and visible answers to this question, as the years roll by.

I’m four days into the four week program, and I have done nothing but eat, drink, sleep and breathe design, literally. From thinking principles to interviews, problem statements, interfaces and meet ups, this week has been something else.

I told a senior colleague that I was officially a “Baby Designer”, and he applauded me. It always feels good to walk in light and laughter.

Wish me luck as I brew even more super powers!

Love and Light,



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Braced at the point where design, user experience, data, communication and problem solving in healthcare meet. Not exactly a point, but, you get The Point. :)