The rise of the social designer

Henry Ikoh
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2019
Photo by Pascal Müller on Unsplash

Design at its core is about influencing human behavior for the better

My personal journey as a designer has been quite a fast experience for me, I only started designing so I could create a logo for my company, Senpai ( 3 years ago ). I never really enjoyed sitting behind a screen pushing pixels as much as I love entering into the minds of people and finding out what makes them tick, I have always been designing to influence human behavior I just didn’t think about it much until now…

The rise of the social designer

Design is a very broad field and it can accommodate people of all shapes and sizes. There are a lot of kinds of designers from fashion design, set design, visual, experience design… etc.

But no one really talks much about the social designer

I believe this is about to change and this article is a testament to that fact.

So what or who is a social designer?

A social designer is a person that uses human-centered design thinking methodologies and impact strategies to solve social problems in the world.

A social designer and a user experience design have very similar skillsets, the social designer is only aware of their true power while the UX designer is still discovering theirs. 😊 ( this is a joke )

I feel like this is profound because a lot of designer struggle to find their place in the design ecosystem and some designer just know they are not meant to be pushing pixels. If you are like me and you are more into the human side of design I would employ you to do a little research on the social economy, ( no not social media ) but the rise in companies that are equally focused on impact as they are on profits. A lot of them would want to hire social designers to help increase their impact.

Do I feel people would adopt the name “social designer?” It can like happen, other names can be “impact strategist”.. but regardless of the names used. There is a rise in the demand and also the exploration of this role.

Do you have any thoughts about this topic? Let me know in the comments

Senpai is a social innovative design company, helping creatives achieve positive social impact in the world through art, technology, and entrepreneurship. If you'd love to reach out send an email to

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Henry Ikoh
Editor for

hello human remember to breathe. 😊 Founder of senpai. Watch me change the world. #Thinksenpai