7 Essential Steps to the Most Successful Seed Germination Ever

Don’t waste time with plants that don’t grow.

Cindy Heath
THINK sustainable


Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Have you ever planted a whole row of seeds and only a few sprout?

Or carefully prepared and planted ten little pots of tomatoes on your window sill, only to have them become spindly and die?

I have had all these misfortunes and more on my way to becoming a competent gardener. We all learn from practice and mistakes, but I hope my experience can reduce the number of seed starting failures you have.

Whether you buy a young plant ready to go in the soil, grow transplants, or plant in the ground — each vegetable began as a seed.

Start with understanding a seed.

A seed is a dormant embryo and needs certain conditions to grow, primarily the proper moisture and warmth.

Every time I plant a seed, especially a tiny one, like arugula or a carrot, and it sprouts and becomes a delicious and nutritious plant, I’m amazed.

Take a minute and watch this one-minute time-lapse video of the first ten days of a bean plant’s life and tell me plants aren’t incredible.



Cindy Heath
THINK sustainable

I’ve been a farmer, entrepreneur, writer, and more. I'm passionate about nutrition, health, nature, and the rewards of personal writing.