My Little Pony: Friendship is Marxism?:

Cliven Irving Uncovers the Progressive, Six Points Commission’s Plot To Seduce your Children to Radicalism!

Jesse Brown
Think Tube
5 min readFeb 26, 2016


As a long term veteran in this Culture War against the onslaught of Six Pointer revisionists and their Earthy colored and Romanist allies on our Traditional values that I, Cliven Irving, brought up all the way back in 1992 at the Republican National Convention, I have investigated many of their plots against the hard working Peachy colored Americans like you and I. Though, now I have the proof of yet another of these Socialists to bring about the seduction of the innocent in the form of a cartoon show known as “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” based on Hasbro’s My Little Pony franchise. While some people will be surprised at these discoveries and/or claim that these are baseless accusations, I assure you as Geoffrey of Monmouth is true, this is undisputedly real!

As noted in subtitle of the cartoon, it includes the phrase “Friendship is Magic”. Friendship involves interaction with other people, which is exactly what Collectivists ideologies are based on. This Egalitarianist slave morality is the antithesis to Individualism because it involves people associating with each other instead of achieving purity. The show reinforces this Marxist brainwashing in an episode with a moral about treating others with fairness and respect, which is a coded reference to Egalitarianism. This is absolutely wrong as THEY, the Romanists and Six Point Commission, did not build OUR country!

Another episode of this involves a conflict in which the characters are involved in a heated argument that turns into a mock war of sorts and ends with them deciding that they can “disagree without being disrespectful” and that there is “no such as an inherently right or wrong opinion”. This blatant call for moral relativism and compromise could not be any more obvious. This assault upon the definitions of good and evil as the left rear’s its ugly, inclusional brown face against the beacon of justice lit by our European ancestors must be defeated at all costs!

As much as it pains me to say this, it gets even worse. Yet another piece of evidence of this Cultural Marxism that the creators of this filthy cesspool of indoctrination that is aimed at America’s children, or I should specify the TRUE Peachy Americans, is the denigration of the reverence for possessing the masculine reproductive organs that makes us like our Father (NOT Mother!) in Heaven and the disgusting assault on Heterosexual Privilege! The characters live in a world without any sort of rightful men of authority. Thus, the only relations they have are with other females. Yes, you read correctly, this is a tool of promoting LGBT activism! Lauren Faust, the damn Protocols of the Six Point Commission woman who writes for it, tries to justify this anti-traditionalist values deviancy with the claim that: “Cartoons for girls don’t have to be a puddle of smooshy, cutesy-wootsy, goody-two-shoeness. Girls like stories with real conflict; girls are smart enough to understand complex plots; girls aren’t as easily frightened as everyone seems to think.” Women didn’t create our civilization nor should men who sleep with other men be allowed to be recognized as equals after they have already forfeited their Heaven-given right of masculinity!

Another vile assault on America’s history with the Untamed across the world is presented with the conflict regarding the goddess Luna and goddess Molestia (And I know them to be named that based on contacts who see people who watch this filth, for I will not let my purity be polluted). These goddesses are sisters, who are dark and white colored respectively, split over arguments and then waged a fight with each other which then ends with them respectively apologizing for act of rebellion and the latter forgiving her and saying sorry for not appreciating what she does for the land of Eponia. That is utterly offensive to suggest those Cainites could ever create meaningful (and then take from the lost Peachy tribes of Africa and Asia and claim those inventions as their own) is a disgrace to the original Human beings that emerged in Africa, because they were European peachy because Medieval art shows so. They couldn’t make proper patriarchal civilizations and make factories so we had to take their resources from them and beat out the native in them to save the man in them. The only regret we should ever have for them people is that we couldn’t give normal peachy human skin coloring.

By making the children of the True Americans question values, they will start to think for themselves in rational ways instead of moral ways and choose which vestiges of our culture are worthy of continued preservation. Just look what they have done by making the Supreme Court rule in their favor in June 26 because we allowed them to keep portraying these Sexual Orientation deviants with sympathy instead of as the pedophiles that they are as proven by these 1940s Science Journals! Eventually this Six Point Commission’s Marxist agenda will continue this sacrilege until eventually the Peach color of the great creators of civilization will simply be regarded as only another color of skin instead of with the divine reverence it deserves.
That is why I urge you to free your mind from the Six Point Commission’s clutches, including those of the media, so that only the truth I tell you to follow controls you in order to see the truth or else our children won’t have a Peachy world of freedom to live in!…

Now I’ll break character to deliver the real point of this bit of satire. It should always be cautioned when examining the themes of narrative fiction that one does not assume that philosophical inquiries and/or general observations of life in which flawed Human beings struggle to make sense of an enigmatic world and overcome its challenges are intended to be taken as petty political statements (For example, Arthur Miller’s ‘Death of a Salesman’ is one such example of a grand examination of the life, in particular the American Dream, that shouldn’t be reduced to some petty anti-capitalism tract based on cherry picking certain passages). It is especially ridiculous to claim to see political agendas in works that are strictly for entertainment’s sake (such as the aforementioned My Little Pony and also the Deadpool movie). Simply assuming a work is solely a tract to blast out an author’s views ultimately denies oneself the opportunity to take a unique look at the world we live in that adds to our own understanding. It is also especially important that we are wary of how secondary parties seek to “spin” things to distort the facts to make them fit their own agendas, especially those who fail to do the proper research in the first place (such as Irving’s “Goddess Molestia” claim above). Thus I’d hope that readers will make an attempt to think for themselves on the big picture of life. Also, Brohoof.



Jesse Brown
Think Tube

College Student and aspiring illustrator and writer.