How To Overcome Fear

Sam Poyan
Think Unlocked
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2022

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that people face when trying to achieve their goals. It can prevent you from taking action, and it can also keep you stuck in your comfort zone. In order to overcome fear, you need to build confidence.

In this article, we will discuss how to do just that! We will provide you with actionable tips that will help you overcome your fear and build confidence. By the end of this article, you will have the tools you need to take on any challenge that comes your way!

If you want to learn how to overcome fear and build confidence, then keep reading!

How To Overcome Fear

Here are the 7 tips to overcome fear.

  1. Baby Steps
  2. Confront Your Fears
  3. Get a Support system
  4. Realize that fear is not real
  5. Look at it like a video game
  6. Create a positive mindset
  7. Visualize success
  8. Understand that no action is worse than the outcome you fear

1. Baby Steps

Start by taking baby steps and work your way up to the bigger goals. This will help you ease into things and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. You can also try visualization techniques to help you see yourself achieving your goals. This will help build confidence and remind you that you are capable of anything!

2. Confront Your Fears

One of the best ways to overcome your fears is to confront them head-on. If you are afraid of public speaking, then sign up for a class or join a Toastmasters club. If you are afraid of heights, then go skydiving! The key is to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and face your fears head-on. This will help you realize that there is nothing to be afraid of!

This may sound contradicting to the first one, but it’s about finding the right option for you. Some people prefer the first, while others prefer the second.

The end result of both is the same: Building up confidence in the field you fear.

3. Get A Support System

Another great way to overcome fear is to have a strong support system. Find friends or family members who will encourage you and help you stay on track. These people will be there to help you when you need it and they will help keep you accountable. Having a strong support system is essential when trying to overcome any obstacle!

These are just a few of the many ways that you can overcome fear and build confidence. Remember that it takes time and practice to master these techniques. Do not get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep working at it and you will eventually see the progress that you desire.

4. Realize that fear is not real

Fear is not real, it’s entirely in your mind. Every single fear that you have is created by you and only you can control it. Once you realize this, you will be able to start overcoming your fears.

Keep reminding yourself that fear is not in reality, but only in your mind.

Write down notes, and make sure to pair this with the final tip on this list.

5. Look at it like a video game.

Everytime you do something that you fear such as:

  1. Going on a rollercoaster
  2. Making a video
  3. Going to an event by yourself.
  4. Going on a Zoom Meeting

… You should look at it like you are growing and getting “XP” (experience. This gamifies the experience, and makes it even a little more fun to turn you into a complete mindset monster.

6. Create a Positive Environment

Our next tip is to create a positive environment. This means surrounding yourself with things that make you feel good. This could be anything from positive affirmations to happy pictures. When you are constantly surrounded with positivity, it makes it easier to deal with the negative because you have a more positive attitude towards the thing giving you a negative emotion.

7. Visualize Success

This next tip is to visualize success. When you visualize, you are essentially training your brain to think positively about the situation. The more you visualize yourself succeeding, the more likely you are to actually succeed. This is because your brain will start to believe that it is possible and it will work hard to make it happen.

Understand That No Action Is Worse Than The Outcome You Fear

The final tip is to understand that no action is worse than the outcome you fear. This means that if you don’t do anything, then the thing that you’re afraid of will never happen.

But neither will anything good, because you don’t grow. You’ll stay in this unhappy situation of fear for a long time, so it’s best to face fears and take it on.

