Apple Watch Brand Persona

Mary Hanna
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022

Adalynn is a wife, a mom to three children and two dogs. Adalynn and her family live in the suburbs and she is 40 years old, working as a surgeon at her local hospital. Her husband flips houses on the side but takes care of the kids with the majority of his time. Adalynn’s morning routine includes top-shelf skincare and a yoga session before all else. After getting herself ready, she then helps her husband get the kids ready for the day and takes the kids to school before work.

Adalynn has always been active but as she grows older, she has really started to pay attention to her health and activity levels every day of the week. To stay on track with her health, she began to cut red meat out and is hoping to cut out meat completely by the end of the year. To maintain her activity levels throughout the week, Adalynn makes her best effort to get at least 10,000 steps in a day. If Adalynn is unable to get her steps in at work or if it is her off-day, she will take a jog around her neighborhood to meet her 10,000 step goal. In addition to getting her steps in, Adalynn uses her at-home gym she and her husband put together not too long ago, at least 3 times a week.

Being a doctor at the hospital, Adalynn is constantly moving around and doesn’t stay in one spot for long unless she’s doing her patient notes. Due to her constant movement, she doesn’t like the extra weight of her phone being on her person when making her rounds. Before purchasing her first Apple Watch, Adalynn also struggled to remember that she needed to keep her phone on her in order to track her steps. When finally deciding to purchase her first Apple Watch, Adalynn decided on the Series 3. Adalynn was happy with the Series 3 for a while but also likes the finer things in life; so, she ended up giving it to her husband a year later, replacing her Series 3 with the Apple Watch Hermès. Adalynn wears her watch almost all day, every day and only takes it off so it can charge.

When Adalynn finishes her work day, she unwinds at home with her kids and husband. There is typically a home-cooked meal involved as well as movie night once a week. On Adalynn’s off-days she often pairs her Apple Watch with sporty leggings (such as Lululemon’s), a Nike top, and a Lululemon jacket. If Adalynn decides not to go for a jog, she will most likely take a walk or bike instead. Her kids love biking so when she’s not jogging she is usually out for a bike ride with the kids. Adalynn uses her Mercedes GLE Coupe on her off-days to run her errands while also taking time to do nice things for herself. At the end of each day, almost religiously, Adalynn goes through her Apple Watch stats for the day, taking note of her resting heart rate, how many steps she took and heart rate recovery.

*Note: This article is a class assignment for BUS 465 — Integrated Brand Promotion and Advertising at NCSU Poole College of Management.

