Birchbox — Individual Brand Outline

McKinley Beaty
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2022

Birchbox is a company that takes the preferences of its customers into full account by allowing women to pick the types and brands of products that they want to use and customizes a box for them monthly. This allows for women to be introduced to new brands and products, while also allowing Birchbox to showcase their women-owned businesses and brands that people might not normally know about.

We are creating a 2-week campaign to showcase the undervalued core goals of Birchbox: women-empowerment and wholehearted products.


The goal of our miniature 2 week campaign is to increase the brand awareness of Birchbox. They are a women run, led and founded company that shines the spotlight on companies and products that are also created by women like them. In searching for companies to partner with, Birchbox looks for those that share the same values as them.

Our campaign will showcase the values of Birchbox that are directed towards women empowerment. We’re here to bring light to the mission and purpose of Birchbox to any and every customer. No matter the person, if they choose to subscribe to Birchbox, they will be delighted with their service, merchandise, and results.

Our micro campaign aims to increase brand awareness by creating content showcasing the women involved using a “spotlight post” on various social media outlets. These will promote the founders, leaders, and users of Birchbox. All of this is to be run through September 30th, 2022.


Our plan, currently, is to have Birchbox release these new advertisements to set a theme for the 2023 year. This is a way that they can showcase the “new face” of their company: one of inclusivity and empowerment.

The people that we are aiming to reach through this campaign are people like 23 year old Madison from Nashville, Tennessee — a yoga enthusiast living along 12th Ave South. She has been a Birchbox customer since her 21st birthday, when her parents signed her up for the following year. A year later, she has now graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BS in Business Administration — Marketing and is employed with the Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau working in tourism and entertainment for her city. In her free time she appreciates riding in her Black Bronco to some of the small bars in Franklin, TN with her roommates Becca and Evie. Her drink of choice is a lime margarita on the rocks with a sugar rim. She is a low maintenance girl with expensive taste. The products that she chooses from Birchbox are basic necessities and skincare products — she is not a heavy makeup user.

Image: McKinley Beaty

People like Madison are aiming to give women a place in industries that are normally dominated by men. These are the women that Birchbox wants to reach. Those that are seeking, leading, and making a change.


Image: McKinley Beaty

This is an example of an Instagram ad that might be used to start our campaign. The use of the color pink is generally associated with people who identify as women. This ad is meant to empower women, so using pink will likely grab their attention.

The ad uses a large image of women to show our target market. The white space along the outside can be used to put either a large caption talking about Birchbox’s next steps as a company (for the 2023 year) or a current spotlight on this group of women and how Birchbox has changed their mindset about makeup, the stigma, and the industry.


While our main focus is going to be Instagram ads, we will also be gearing some of our ads towards Facebook and Snapchat. Social media is a great way to reach people all over the nation, and even the world. This provides Birchbox with a unique opportunity to expand their sales and increase their brand awareness. Putting their best foot forward with their core values is the way to go about this.

The goal that we are trying to promote with Birchbox is that if you use their subscription service and let them pick the products that fit your specifications, they can help you feel the most confident in your own body. By reaching out to current customers, Birchbox has the opportunity to reiterate their values so that customers can take them into account when they are deciding to renew their membership. We will also be trying to reach those who are not customers so that they can learn about the physical attributes that Birchbox has to offer, but also what they represent and how they make points to represent women-run companies.


Post-release of our campaign, we will be tracking metrics based on what Meta provides with Instagram and Facebook and using what Snapchat provides. The interactions we track through this will help us realize what content is engaging for users, what content generates website clicks, and what content causes a click that ultimately leads to a subscription.

Internalized tracking will be done outside of the data within the social media trends. These can help us to identify if the overall Birchbox brand awareness has increased. We can also track the location of subscriptions to see if we reached a larger audience than without the social media campaign. Lastly, we can track the gender of the subscribers to see if the increase in promotion of women-led businesses has increased the number of users who identify as women.

Being that this is only a micro campaign, it is not likely that the results generated will cause us to recommend large changes for Birchbox. However, it can help us create a list of ways that users are interacting with their feed. This will help Birchbox better plan their long-term marketing plans and gear them towards the proper audience.

With high hopes, we believe that this micro campaign will be a leeway to the future of Birchbox advertising and promoting their products, values, and standards.

Learn more about the Birchbox values here.



McKinley Beaty

NC State Student | Future Marketer | Aspiring Writer