Brand Campaign: Kraft Heinz Company

Max Merrill
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2022

In this 2 week mini brand campaign that will be scheduled to go live in late August. I will be helping The Kraft Heinz Company bring a new Pumpkin Pie to market. When working with this company it is important to remember the retailers that they work with, as well as realizing that timing is everything. This product is different than other pumpkin pies because it is dairy free as well as glutan free. We can use this in order to create differentiation between our company and the competition.


The purpose of this mini brand campaign is to create awareness. We want people to think of our pumpkin pie whenever they think about the fall. This mini brand campaign is also helping to inform the consumer. We have to teach the market place that it is possible to eat healthy, while still splurging on dessert. By doing this, hopefully people will realize that Kraft’s new gluten free, dairy free, pumpkin pie is an alternative to the fatty pies that line retailer shelves today. Hopefully by doing this we can create a buzz on social media. We want to get out in front of as many people trying to live a healthy lifestyle as possible. We can measure the success of our mini brand campaign using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) goals.

3 questions we could ask ourselves could be:

How much engagement did we generate on our social media pages?

Where people researching the product (nutrition facts and ingredient list)?

How much product was sold out of each retailer?


The media plan consists of two parts, a social media plan and a retailer in-store media plan. The reason for having two plans is to reach two different target audiences.

Social Media Plan: This plan consists of online influencer campaigns, as well as creating our own content on multiple social media pages. We plan on targeting the younger generation (ages 16–29) through the use of influencer campaigns. During this time, we plan on sending out 100 pumpkin pies to bloggers, Instagramers, and YouTubers. The goal of this is to create awarness for our product. We want young, health conscious, individuals to read about how eating dessert can still be healthy.

Retailer In-store Media- Here, we want to create content within retailers in order to target an older demographic (ages 30 and up), who are health conscious, to. buy our product. We can do this through in-store signage that is eye catching. Here we plan on placing signs near our product that inform the consumer. They could say something like “dessert is healthy now?” in order to grab people’s attention as they walk by.


The Kraft Heinz Company has a large maketing budget, but this brand campaign has been created to be as cost efficient as possible. By leveraging influencer campaigns, the cost of content production plumets to baisically $0. We believe in our product so much, that when we send these influencers our product for free, we feel that they will rave and right reviews on our new product.

In-store signage for retailers is an important piece of content that we are using in order to create engagement and drive sales lift. These signs need to be large enough to be seen from across the retailer. They are cheap to make and can be easily outsourced to another firm, this will help to ensure consistency as well as making it easy on our marketers to not have to focus on sinage instillation.


By utilizing influencer campaigns, hopefully there will be a buzz around our product before the actual release date. We can then easily promote our product by creating digital incentives, coupons, that will help drive in-store engagement. By creating coupons, that are for example “buy one get one free,” can help us to raise our trial rate. Using coupons can help bring new consumers over from competitors, as well as offering a financial incentive to purchase. During this time of inflation, about 70% of consumers, are changing their purchasing habits based on price. These coupons can use programatic media in order to specifically target the right consumer segments. It is important that we advertise to consumers that are health conscious, as this is our target audience.


As a result we would like to see at least 50 units moved per retailer in the first week, eventually moving up to 100 units by the end of the month. This would show that we are targeting the right people, and would represent a need in the market for this product. On our influencer campaigns we would want to see 5–10k likes per post. This would help to generate knowledge about our products within consumers, and would hopefully create a buzz before release. It is important to see week over week sales lift because we don’t expect to sell a lot of product until the market has been informed about the benefits of our new product. If we ask the right questions, and focus on the right target segments, I am confident that we can achieve these goals using this mini brand campaign.

