Brand Persona — George Foreman

Kitch Jones
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022

For a guy like Frank, the George Foreman Grill is the perfect grill designed to meet each and every one of his needs. His George Foreman grill may seem like just another grill to some people, but to Frank this grill far surpasses any other grills he has used and acts as the perfect method of grilling his favorite foods.

A George Foreman Grill

The convenience that the George Foreman Grill provides for Frank is enough to get him raving about it to anyone he can. Being a small, compact electric grill, this makes for incredibly easy storage at his apartment so that it never gets in the way. Since he’s a newly married 27-year-old man and living in an apartment in a large city, the George Foreman Grill is the perfect way for Frank to get an authentic grilling experience without the need for a large outdoors grill. Frank is a man that is usually very busy, so when he comes home and needs to cook, his George Foreman Grill makes things so much easier for him. Because the grill heats on both the top and bottom, Frank doesn’t need to be as attentive on the food he’s grilling and can put additional focus on preparing the rest of the meal. Since he’s so busy all the time, he loves that his George Foreman Grill lightens the load for him, even if it’s just a little bit.

While he may be busy with work, Frank always has the comfort of knowing that he can bring his favorite grill with him whenever he gets the chance to travel due to its portable nature. Nothing makes Frank happier than knowing that he can take his George Foreman Grill with him on a camping trip with his friends so he can show off how much he loves his grill to anyone who is willing to listen.

As someone who’s trying to watch his health, the comfort of knowing that his George Foreman Grill greatly reduces the fat from meat while cooking leaves Frank with a smile on his face every time that he uses it. Now that he’s 27 and his metabolism is slowing down, Frank is trying to make sure that he’s eating well so that he doesn’t get out of shape. Not only does he love that he can grill delicious meals, but he also loves how much better he feels after eating them in comparison to other grills that he’s used before.

Being a sociable guy, not only does Frank post about the great meals he’s made using his George Foreman Grill through various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, but he is also sure to bring up his favorite grill to anyone he knows to convince them to walk down the same path that he has. Whether it be at work or when he’s going out for drinks with his wife and other couples, Frank is going to make sure that everyone knows how convenient and healthy all of his meals have become. On any outings with his friends in which he brings his George Foreman Grill to cook burgers for everyone, he is sure to remind everyone that the burgers they’re enjoying were made as tasty as they are thanks to his favorite grill.

