Brand Persona — XBOX

John Magda
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022

Aidan is a 20-year-old from Lexington Kentucky. He lives in the suburbs in a moderately big household. He is attending college at the University of Kentucky and wants to find some way to stay connected to his friends. He is stingy with his money but is considering buying the new Series X.

Aidan has played video games since he was a kid and has always enjoyed them. His personal preference is single-player games, but he sometimes enjoys multiplayer games with friends. Aiden realizes that he has been playing on the same console for close to 10 years. All of his friends have already upgraded to the newest console. He can still play with them but he soon realized the differences between the two consoles. The Series X boasts faster loading times and better processing power while his older console lacks in almost every department. Aiden rarely spends his money on stuff and when he does he wants it to be on something he knows he will use for a long time. Especially since he is a college student this is something he needs to know he will use.

Aidan Usually uses his XBOX five days a week. He often plays once he is done with homework at night. After taking up a part-time job he has decided that he needs to upgrade. He considered getting a PC to enjoy high-quality games and fast loading times. He saw to prices and immediately turned away because they were so expensive. He then thinks about the one thing he uses most when gaming. His XBOX is about 10 years old and is starting to rack up dust and slow down. With the exposure of the new XBOX by his friends he realizes he should just upgrade. He then goes out and buys a cost-effective competitor to these high-end gaming PCs. Trading in his old console for the new one was well worth it to him.

Now Aidan can enjoy amazing visuals and performance with his new XBOX Series X. Long past are the days when he waited on long-loading screens for his favorite single-player games. Now he jumps right into these visually stunning games. Even better is that now he can play newer games that his friends have gotten into. While Aidan regrets the large sum of money he just spent on it, he knows down the road he will love the investment he made.

