Brands with Meaning

David Tanaka
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2022

In the article “2020 Vision: Lead Brands with Meaning” by Dr. Martina Olbertova, she talks about the evolving fast-paced marketing and how the uncertainty of the future negatively affects value creation. Brands need to start focusing on “meaning” and positioning their brands in the lives of their customers. There has always been a gap between brands and society. Today’s consumers like Generation Z are attracted to knowledgeable and involved brands. Companies need to use their brand as a platform, to stand up for what they believe in. This can be done in many ways that relate to your product or general social issues. One example is a marketing campaign about Nike’s social impact initiatives promoting racial equality. I believe it is key for brands to create value with authenticity. Consumers are more concerned about their value and identity. If brands can connect with people on a personal level, then their consumers are more likely to recommend, purchase, and repurchase products and services. Ultimately, successful brands help consumers reaffirm their identity and should start looking up to the people by “embodying their values to help them better and express individual authentic identities.” The key to obtaining loyalty is to not think of customers as buyers. But have people trust and understand the brand more.

Key things:

1. Tangible product differentiation

2. Intangible emotions “add something extra that makes consumers choose a brand over alternatives”

3. Creative campaigns “focus people’s attention on the brand’s reasoning for being”

4. Remind consumers what your brand stands for

5. Differentiation of the brand by communicating and framing people’s perception of the brand

6. Must be aware of the broader context that your brand exists within

7. Make a positive social impact

8. Consumer identity drives brand choices

9. Meet consumer needs and be more appealing than the other brands in the category (Meaningful + Different = Loyalty)

10. Authenticity creates value


*Note: This article is a class assignment for BUS 465 — integrated brand promotion and advertising at NCSU Poole College of Management.


