Max Merrill
Published in
Sep 8, 2022
  1. https://adage.com/video/michelob-ultra-happy

2. One of my favorite Super Bowl commercials of all time must be the Michelob Ultra “Happy” commercial from 2021. Talk about nostalgia. There’s nothing better than the memories of watching your childhood hero achieve something great. A smile is contagious, and when watching this commercial all you can do is smile as you remember what it felt like watching your favorite athlete win it all. It then poses a question to the viewers, “are you happy because you win, or do you win because your happy?” They say that joy doesn’t only come at the end of achieving something great, it comes with the journey and fuels greatness. The commercial then finishes with a quote “It’s only worth it if you enjoy it.” Leaving the viewer to ponder on the commercial.

