Power and Impact of Digital Brand Building

Ashley Spencer
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2022

This article discusses the importance of building a strong digital presence for a business. The article starts by describing how it is crucial to have an effective online strategy because the business needs to grow brand awareness. According to a survey, 85% of consumers research a product before purchasing it. Therefore if a business does not have a strong digital presence, then they are less likely to have high sales and profit because consumers are not aware of their products.

Forbes discusses that digital presence is a great opportunity to communicate with a business’s consumers and make an identity for the business. This can entail of what the business stands for or how they are different from their competitors. Besides the business’s website, social media and google are great tools to help build digital presence. This is where the consumer can share thoughts and review the business along with communicate with the business. The consumers can also hear about promotions and updates the business may give through digital presence.

Building digital presence, especially this day in time, is extremely important for small and large businesses. Small businesses need strong digital presence because they need to grow their brand and create brand awareness. It is also important for large businesses to have strong digital presence to stay relevant and not let competitors overtake their portion of the market. This article mentions digital presence is a way to highlight the unique aspects of the business and what sets your business apart from competitors in the same market.

In 2019, there were 3.8 million google searches conducted each minute and many of these were to research information about local businesses. This number has more than likely rapidly increased in the past three years. Forbes also discusses the aspect of how consumers will look to see a business’s credibility before purchasing the product or service. So when a consumer searches a business before consuming the product they want to find good reviews and find many platforms that the business is attached to. Forbes mentions that if a consumer cannot find a brand when they search it, they may question its reliability or whether it is a legitimate real brand or not. With the amount of scams that have digital presence today, some consumers are uncertain about purchasing products from brands they have never made purchases from prior to.

Digital presence is a way to grow a business and create brand awareness. It is a way to keep consumers up to date and in contact with a business.

