The power of digital brand building

Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2022

Below is a link to an article about the need for a full-on marketing strategy. It details the aspects of a marketing strategy, like brand building, and explains why it is so important in today’s online world.

As we all know, the internet has fully taken over the world. Almost every aspect of our life is done through a screen. Communication, Ordering food at a restaurant, paying for things, entertainment, and so much more. When you think about it, you probably spend more time looking at your phone screen than real-life people.

This is why having a marketing strategy is so important. It is the main way brands get their products and message out to all of their consumers. Especially the brand-building aspect.

The article details exactly what brand building is and why it is important, but here are a few main points that I think relate to what I have learned in class so far. In the past times, the main way to build your brand in some form of an online setting was TV ad campaigns. As the tv age has shifted to more subscriptions, nobody watches or pays attention to commercials. So consumers are now directing their attention to online forms of TV and videos, podcasts, and social media. This has completely changed the game in a sense of how brands need to build themselves.

It is a competitive market, so brands have to stay up with current trends in a way that will be sustainable for the brand as well. Placing ads in podcasts or online videos is a great way to introduce your brand to the online community and gain some talk about your business.

As you have probably noticed, influencers run the game. One post from an “A-list” celebrity can boost your brand above so many others quickly. That’s why networking and communication are being pushed so heavily nowadays.

The article also refers to the rest of a Marketing Strategy.

It goes in order of:

  1. Brand-Building Measurement
  2. A unified set of KPIs
  3. An updated media mix model for integrated spending
  4. A full-funnel operating model

While these steps are separate from brand building, they are just as important and show how the first step is so crucial to putting your brand above the rest in the market.

This article does an amazing job of detailing a marketing strategy and explaining all of the tools and concepts you need to know about Brand-Building. Give it a read!

  • Note: This article is a class assignment for BUS 462 — Integrated Brand Promotion and advertising at NCSU Poole College of Management.


