Two-Week Mini Brand Campaign-MVMT

Ashley Spencer
Published in
6 min readSep 14, 2022


MVMT is a direct-to-consumer brand. They are known for their luxury watches and other accessories. They are known for their affordable and trendy watches. They offer premium quality and a sleek look to their customers. They offer a 24-month warranty on all products and worldwide free shipping, which are both highly appealing to their customers. Their goal is to change the way you think about fashion.

Target Persona:

MVMT’s target audience is men and women aging from 20–45 years old, who project to look trendy and sleek, and are more than likely people who have business related jobs. A typical MVMT brand buyer would be Heather who is a 32 year old businesswoman. She lives alone in a studio apartment in Manhattan. She drives a white Mercedes and drinks red wine when she gets home from the office. She does not have any children. She wears black or neutral colored pant suits everyday. She enjoys sipping lattes in the morning from a corner coffee shop in New York while admiring her clean MVMT watch that she also has in gold, silver and white.

Purpose- What is the aim of my campaign?

MVMT has been operating since 2013, so next year will be a decade of being in business for them. The purpose of the campaign is to stir the media and draw attention to the MVMT watch and accessories. This product is not brand new so publicity is not on their side. This campaign aims to bring popularity and awareness of the MVMT brand.

Campaign Goal: Increase social media followers by 5,000 and increase sales by 10% in the next month.

Plan- How do I plan for a successful campaign?

The campaign will run for two weeks online. This campaign will utilize Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Tik Tok. The images below display the amount of followers that MVMT holds on each social media platform. The results show that Facebook and Instagram hold their highest number of followers, while Tik Tok holds their least amount of followers. This is why the campaign will post ads on Facebook and Instagram because they have the highest numbers and can keep the current customers informed while having the opportunity to reach more potential followers. On the other hand, Tik Tok has MVMT’s lowest number of followers, therefore this platform needs the most attention and awareness.
MVMT Tik Tok Homepage

The campaign will also be sending out surveys through Instagram stories. Also, there will be links in the posts to click to subscribe to MVMT, saying a promotion that if a new customer gives their email, then they will receive 10% off on their first purchase. This will give the new consumer incentive and motivation to make their first purchase. MVMT’s current influencers will be sent products to do unboxing on TikTok.

2-Week Campaign Production Schedule for TikTok

The schedule above shows a tentative plan for how the production of the TikToks will happen. This schedule concludes that there will be nine posts throughout the two week campaign period. As for the other platforms, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest Posts will be made at least once a day every day for the two week period.

This graph shows the amount of TikTok awareness, popularity, usage, loyalty, and buzz among social media users in the United States in 2022. The link is posted below the graph.

Produce- What content do I create?

Social Media Posts. Watch content will be posted. Models wearing watches will be posted through videos and images. Influencer videos, social media surveys, real world customer photos, and links in the posts to be able to subscribe to MVMT by email will be content that is created for the two week campaign to raise brand awareness.

Below are some examples shown of content that will be posted on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and clips from the TikToks.
Instagram Survey for Customer Interaction and Feedback Data

Promote- How do I make sure my campaign reaches who it needs to?

Most social media platforms currently have an algorithm that sometimes can make it difficult to be seen on Instagram. Below there is a link to an article on how to get your content seen through Instagram. Researching about how to make sure the campaign can be seen by all the viewers possible is important.

It is also important to use hash tags. If the campaign, along with the influencers use the hash tags in the posts, the tag will start trending and be seen in multiple posts which will create awareness. Also reaching out to customers to send in photos of themselves wearing the brand MVMT and tagging #jointhemvmt as planned will attract attention. This campaign is all about grabbing the consumer’s attention so the more the hashtag is spread the more people it will reach, which will create a trend, and help gain followers and get people looking at the product to potentially purchase an MVMT accessory. The hashtag #jointhemvmt is currently already out there. The hashtag for the campaign will be #tiktoktimetomvmt.

Results- How do I track and measure my campaign’s success?

The campaign’s success will be measured by several aspects. It will be measured by how many real world customers participate in the interactive Instagram story and submit photos. Another way to measure success is how well the hashtag is trending by seeing how many people are reposting it. It can be measured by how many people subscribe to MVMT through the post links, and by how many new email addresses we receive.

Success will be measured by how many more followers we receive on each platform and if we meet our goal of 5,000 per platform. 5,000 new followers would be easy for Facebook and Instagram, but gaining that many on TikTok may be a challenge. Gaining new followers on TikTok involves factors, those factors include whether the sound is trending, what time you post it, if you extend to many watchers For You page, whether your hashtags are trending and many other aspects. This is why research is involved to understand the platform’s algorithm. Also, how many views you get on a video from TikTok and Reels from Facebook and Instagram are more helpful than measuring likes from a post. If people watch a video they do not have to like it, so the number of views counted is far more accurate than the number of likes on a post.

The campaign’s success can also be proven if sales increase during this time period. The goal is to increase sales by 10% in the month of the campaign, and whether that goal is met or not is a measurement of success.


*This Article is an assignment for my BUS 465- Brand Promotion course for NC State Poole College of Management.

