Two Week Mini-Marketing Campaign: HelloFresh

Kitch Jones
Published in
7 min readSep 15, 2022
HelloFresh Logo


HelloFresh is a direct to consumer brand that delivers weekly boxes of delicious, affordable, and easy-to-make meals right to peoples’ front doorsteps. The offer of meals that are easy to cook should appear especially enticing during the end-of-year holidays since this is generally the busiest time of the year for many people. This micro campaign will demonstrate to people the joys of delicious and nutritious meals that are easy to cook so that they can spend less time stressing about dinner and more time getting ready for the holidays and spending time with family and friends. To make this happen, a two-week micro campaign will utilize social media and influencer marketing to reach as many people as possible.

Target Demographic

When looking at demographic data to understand who is the ideal target for this HelloFresh campaign, it’s important to understand who is buying meal kits. Of those that order meal kits, 63.7% are either Millennials of members of Gen X. Of these shoppers, 12.2% have children under the age of five. There are many reasons why an individual may choose to use a meal kit over preparing a meal from traditional shopping methods, but many of the most prominent reasons are due to the time that is saved from doing so.

All of these pieces of data point towards the primary target of meal kits being a parent with children to raise that does not want to spend extra time shopping and planning meals when meals can be delivered right to their front door. The lack of time is likely made even more strenuous during the holidays.

When thinking about the main target that would be interested in these seasonal HelloFresh boxes, Pam comes to mind. Pam is a mother in her mid-30s who works from home. When not working in her at-home office, she also takes care of the house and prepares the meals for her family. With the holidays right around the corner and following up on the stresses that came with Thanksgiving, Pam is a bit overwhelmed with everything that she has to do. Not only does she need to work on her daily duties, but now she also has to worry about buying presents and preparing for family to come into town for the holidays. To take some of the stress off of her back, Pam has found HelloFresh to be the perfect way to spend less time worrying about dinner while still ensuring that the food she and her family eats is delicious. All of the ingredients and instructions come right to her door, so she doesn’t need to worry about them while grocery shopping. Pam feels that HelloFresh has made her life much easier during the holidays.


To reach the desired amount of people, the plan is to focus on two major areas: HelloFresh’s social media pages and influencer marketing. The micro-campaign will be promoted on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest with photo and video content. Promoting through these platforms will largely target those that already follow and have purchased HelloFresh before to inform them of the limited meals that you can only get during the holiday season.

To reach the largest number of people who have not purchased from HelloFresh before, influencer marketing will be utilized across YouTube and social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. The influencers chosen to promote this campaign should be ones whose audience is largely made up of people that fit the target demographic, as they would be the people most likely to benefit from HelloFresh. Influencers will each receive their own creator code that their audience may use on the HelloFresh website to receive $50 off your their first week of meals. To reach a large amount of people, up to 350 influencers across multiple platforms will be paid to promote HelloFresh.

The micro campaign will take place between Monday, November 28 and December 11, 2022. This places the campaign right after Thanksgiving and Black Friday, so preparations for the Holidays are ready to begin and people are going to be busy. Seeing this ad campaign in the first half of December can prepare customers to purchase a HelloFresh box during this timeframe so that it arrives either towards the end of the micro campaign or soon after it is done. This is due to the fact that HelloFresh charges users five days before their meals are delivered, so unless people order very early on during the campaign, their food will not arrive until the end of the campaign at the earliest.

During the timeframe for the micro campaign, the plan is to release a steady stream of content throughout the two weeks. This content includes:

  • Four Instagram and Facebook posts per week
  • Three Pinterest posts per week
  • Video and photo content from influencers


When producing content for the micro campaign, it’s important to ensure that all of the content shows off how delicious the meals are while also reminding people of the time they can save by cooking with HelloFresh during the holidays. With the content for the social media pages, each platform will have relatively the same content. All of the content for HelloFresh’s Pinterest will be pictures of the seasonal meals offered, as well as the recipes that include all of the ingredients and the process of making it. The content for Facebook and Instagram will also include pictures of the seasonal meals with fun captions informing people of the name of the meal that they’re looking at. An example of what an Instagram post would look like can be seen below.

Example of what an Instagram post for this campaign would look like

As part of the campaign, the seasonal meals will be highlighted during this time as meals that will only be shipped during the holiday season. There will be four unique meals that are appropriate for the holiday season, such as the beef tenderloin shown above and Christmas ham. Additionally, two pre-made holiday desserts will be separately offered, including gingerbread cookies and fruitcake. Each of these meals and desserts will each get their own posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, with the first three meal items posted during the campaign being offered in HelloFresh boxes a week earlier than the remaining items to space out the food and the content.

Aside from pictures of just the meals, there should also be a couple posts for Facebook and Instagram that emphasize how HelloFresh takes the stress away from making food during the holidays. Showing how easy it is to make the meals and then showing a family happily eating the meal together demonstrates to the target audience how much simpler it would be to make dinner that way rather than having to stress about the time it will take to shop and make a long, complicated meal.

The content produced by influencers will differ from the content made for the social media channels. While it is impossible for every single influencer to produce the exact same content given the fact that each on is their own individual person with their own way of structuring content, a general set of rules can be set for them to follow as closely as possible. YouTube should have a segment of their video dedicated to showing them prepare the seasonal food while talking about how stress-free it is to rely on HelloFresh during the holidays. It is also essential for each YouTuber to have their own creator code that gives new customers a discount for their first meals. They should make sure to not only mention their creator code in the video itself, but also put it in the description so viewers can find it anytime.

For influencers on social media platforms, the same general rules apply, though influencers have the ability to post either a video or just an image or collection of images. If an influencer posts an image rather than a video, then the caption of the post has to be far more detailed than if they simply talked about the HelloFresh offer during the video.


As previously mentioned, the main platforms that this micro campaign will take place are on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, as well as YouTube. Using HelloFresh’s social media channels to promote the seasonal meals is more likely to reach people who follow the company and are or have been subscribers, while utilizing influencer marketing through a number of platforms is more likely to reach people who have not yet subscribed to the service. HelloFresh could also promote the campaign and their brand in general by propping up posts people make about their experiences with the seasonal meals. This style of marketing does wonders for the brand and is inexpensive in comparison to other methods of marketing.


The results of this campaign can be best estimated through the numbers achieved across all platforms that advertisements reached. This includes impressions, likes, shares, and follows on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, as well as views and creator code-usage per YouTube video. The usage of creator codes allows for HelloFresh to understand where most of their new subscribers came from, which helps them know who to keep in contact with for future sponsorships and what demographics they should focus on.

To consider this campaign a success, a few results are expected:

  • 20 million people reached
  • Engagement rate of 1–3%
  • Conversion rate of 1–2% of engagement rate
  • 5,000 instances of creator codes being used to sign up for HelloFresh
  • At least 7,500 new visitors to HelloFresh website


