U.S. Grocery Shopping Methods by Generation 2021

Peyton Neese
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2022

It’s a known fact that each consecutive generation does their best to embrace new technology and set themselves apart from their parents and grandparents. While in some areas of consumer purchases this fact might seem blatantly obvious, you might not consider just how younger generations choose to purchase something as simple as groceries. In the last few years, the concept of purchasing everyday goods online and either having them shipped to home or prepped and waiting for pickup at the front of the store has become a staple of many shoppers, especially those that fall in the Gen Z and Millennial brackets. According to the graph below, approximately 15% of Gen Z shoppers purchase their groceries online and have them shipped directly to their front door without ever leaving their home. Another 12% choose to purchase online and have the grocery store employee do their shopping, so that their items are ready and waiting for pickup at the front door upon arrival. These values are in sharp contrast to those percentages of the Baby Boomer generation surveyed, of which only 6% used home delivery and a mere 2% used in store pickup.

Popular shopping and delivery methods for groceries in the United States in 2021, by generation

So, what really sets Gen Z age shoppers apart? According to the publication “Today’s Grocer” one of the major factors is consciousness. Millennials and Gen Z are far more concerned with ethical, environmental, and social matters than any prior generation and we are willing to pay a premium for it. This generation makes up the majority of U.S. vegans/vegetarians and place great stock in foods that are ethically sourced. Socially, they are more inclined to support businesses that are equal opportunity employers who value racial and gender diversity. Apart from that, Gen Z has become known as the age of “instant gratification” that values convenience in all aspects of life. The idea that you can skip the weekly monotonous trips to the grocery store in favor of having items shipped directly to your front door is a prime example of just how much they value convenience. Gen Z has grown to young adulthood in an age of emerging technology that they have adapted to fit and simplify every aspect of their daily lives. Why spend time in the grocery store that you could otherwise be doing something productive or trendy. Shopping for groceries online became especially prevalent during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in which consumers were encouraged to stay home to stay healthy. These circumstances were the perfect conditions for any kind of online shopping to thrive, but especially an industry like groceries that have to be purchased weekly and, in a setting, packed full of potentially infected people.

With all this being said, however, the vast majority at 67% of all people across generations surveyed said that in 2021 they still prefer to buy their groceries in store. A closer examination reflects of course what we already know in that shopping preference varies greatly by generation. While 82% of Baby Boomers prefer to shop in store, only 49% of Gen Z chose brick and mortar shopping over online venues. This is great news for retailers like Walmart and Amazon who are ready to capitalize largely on this younger generation of convenience-focused shoppers. According to one article written by Winsight Grocery Business, consumers named Walmart and Amazon as the top two sources for online grocery shopping for the third year in a row, even beating Instacart who’s primary online shopping experience centers around the grocery industry. In an age where people are divided on so many issues, it is safe to say most people will agree that the future very heavily lies in online grocery shopping.

  • Note: This article is a class assignment for BUS 465 — Integrated Brand Promotion and Advertising at NCSU Poole College of Management.


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