A warning for our community: beware fake accounts.

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2018

We are not and never will be giving away Ethereum or Bitcoin as part of a promotion.

Full stop.

Lately, there has been a surge in impostor accounts on Twitter attempting to scam members of our community. The posts usually request users to send a small amount of BTC or ETH, with the promise that they will send a greater amount in return.

We’re working diligently to report and block these posts, and the team at Twitter have been invaluable in helping to protect our community. However, there is no such thing as too much security, and at ThinkCoin we value our investor’s security above all else.

Blockchain communities have been subject to these and other forms of scams — wherever there are legitimate projects developing transformative technology, there are malicious actors looking for easy targets. Safety and security in the blockchain world work just like anywhere else; research any investments thoroughly, and recognise that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

With cryptocurrencies there are additional things to be aware of thanks to the technical side of conducting a transaction.

We recommend storing your funds with a wallet such as MyEtherWallet that will keep them under your control, and not trusting a third party service. When doing this, it’s important to keep your private keys secret at all times, treating them as you would a bank pin.

For more tips on being safe and secure in the cryptocurrency world check out our guides on how to use MyEtherWallet and other services securely, and join the discussion at reddit, facebook, telegram and twitter.




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.