Exchange Listing Update

1 min readOct 18, 2018


Hello Everyone,

As you all know, we were supposed to go live on exchanges today, but seeing as the market is very unstable, we have decided to delay our listing date.

Exchange listing is one of the most important stages of an ICO project and we shouldn’t get listed just for the sake of it. We want you, our investors, to get the best possible value of our token when we first go live.

We have been working very hard towards the exchange listing process, so we feel it’s the right decision to hold off a little bit longer until the market conditions are more flavorable.

Also, there’s still KYC applications coming through, but we are expecting to be completing them all very soon. We have secured key market makers for ample liquidity and price support in the listing so we are very excited.

We will come back with an exact date as soon as we know, but in the meantime we want to thank you for your support and patience.

Should you have any questions please reach out to us on either Telegram or email

Best regards,
ThinkCoin Management Team




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.