Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2018


Over the last few weeks, we have been busy attending blockchain events around the world. It’s been an exciting way to connect with other blockchain developers and learn, and share with others our vision at TradeConnect.

While we were attending the London Blockchain Conference Show, we had the pleasure of being interviewed by prominet market comentators Big Crypto. Take a look below to see our Director of Operations, Adil Siddiqui and Marketing Manager, Dafni Serdari in action as they discuss their roles, the TradeConnect vision, our founders and the current development roadmap:

On top of this, our key advisor Kyle Stagoll was also interviewed in recent weeks. Watch the video below to learn more about Kyle and his role at Elysium Capital.

Be part of the ongoing conversation by joining one of our growing communities at Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and Facebook.




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.