Staking Feature Defined

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2018

Our brand-new Staker feature is a part of the roles in the Connect Fee system described in short sentences:

Staker — A participant who allocates TCO to a monthly Staking contract in consideration of receiving a distribution % of the Stake pool.

Staker Pool — This is the pool where the 5% of connect fees allocated to the Staking pool will accumulate on a monthly basis until paid out to Staking participants based on individual TCO holding.

Staker Distributions

To incentivize supporters of the network to hold TCO, a monthly Staking contract will be available to all participants who are willing to Stake a minimum threshold of value in TCO tokens for one month. These allocations will be separate from any TCO tokens used in Network trading activity. The Pool will be funded with 5% of all monthly Connect Fees and will be distributed based on each Staking participant’s individual allocation of TCO to the contract. The Staking contract will require a minimum number of participants, and may also include caps on distribution value to ensure fairness in the execution of the Staking process. At this time, both elements are under review for final requirements. As the network grows, the value of the Staking pool will also increase providing greater value to participants

Staking Contract Distribution Example

Based on a pool of five Staking participants and minimum Staking value of $50,000 USD.

You can also find this information in our Whitepaper on page 13 and 14.




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.