ThinkCoin x GMEX

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3 min readJun 5, 2018

Today we are proud to announce that we have officially joined forces with GMEX, one of the world’s leading exchange and blockchain service providers.

Our partnership with GMEX builds upon last month’s announcement that we would be working with decentralized cloud storage experts 0chain, and adds a major component to ThinkCoin and TradeConnect suite of solutions.

GMEX’s Fusion platform combines GMEX’s traditional centralised trading systems, which are currently live in multiple exchanges and post-trade venues, with the latest blockchain technology offering the best of both worlds for exchanges, clearing-houses and other institutions.

GMEX Fusion’s suite of capabilities will be combined with the TradeConnect multi-asset trading network, using ThinkCoin, the bespoke digital trading token unit of exchange.

GMEX Fusion will be integrated with TradeConnect’s mobile and web front ends. This will deliver options for both decentralised and centralised trading solutions, including CLOB and RFQ matching models, liquidity management, the ability to connect to third party crypto exchanges and a comprehensive set of market data options. The GMEX order execution API will be combined with TradeConnect’s matching model to create a sophisticated and agile trading solution representing the best of traditional centralised and blockchain-powered decentralised solutions.

A multi-asset blockchain-based exchange that will enable the trading of cryptocurrencies, equities, FX, commodities and more, TradeConnect will replace commissions with a levy on all trades that will be rebated to network participants in proportion to their participation. Traders will be connected with each other by an AI-powered scoring and matching model that will ensure the best trading conditions.

GMEX’s solution will be melded with the deep institutional experience and extensive IP of ThinkCoin’s platform and whitepaper. This combination will significantly enhance liquidity within the trading network’s ecosystem, enabling the network to achieve scale far faster than any other blockchain trading solution: factors that will together encourage uptake at a rate never before seen.

Here’s a word from our CEO and CO-founder, Nauman Anees:

“All of us at ThinkCoin are enormously excited to begin our collaboration with GMEX. The company’s culture of innovation and solution-oriented thinking is hugely impressive, and we look forward to together exploring the full potential of on and off-chain solutions to realise the promise of blockchain technology.”

Hirander Misra, Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group also commented, “The ThinkCoin digital token and its associated TradeConnect network integrated with GMEX Fusion will provide traders with the most diverse blockchain-based multi-asset trading and exchange ecosystem on the market today. This brings with it a substantial client footprint from the outset to ensure liquidity, which combined with the experience of the team has all the ingredients to make it a market leading proposition.”

Thank you all for being a part of TradeConnect’s journey to become the leading blockchain-based trading system, and why not get involved in the ongoing community discussions on reddit, facebook, twitter and telegram?




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.