Image Credit: Andrew Neel

How to Love an Introvert?

Easier than you think, actually

Emman James
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020


They say there are two types of people, the loud ones and the quiet ones.

I am one of those who get exhausted easily when talking to people. I am one of those who like staying at home more than going to parties. I am one of those who would rather have few close friends than be friends with everyone.

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People tend to misinterpret what being an introvert actually means. Some would say we’re too shy, and that we should speak up more. The truth is, most introverts are also outgoing but being around people drains our energy— that’s why we need to take a quick break to recharge, alone. But believe me, we value our shared time.

We don’t always want to be alone, we also like hanging out, although we like listening more than talking.

However, once you get to know us, you’ll notice that we also like opening up. Most introverts are actually very talkative when they’re with someone they trust. We enjoy deep conversations.

Sometimes, people think we are too reserved — it’s true. We enjoy solitude, so don’t think we’re trying to avoid other people. We like making new friends, it’s just that boundaries are very important to us.

If you’re an extrovert, you may not know it yet, but we share a lot in common.

We both might get shy in certain social situations. Extroverts might just find it easier to approach someone to ease it off. Introverts aren’t exactly good at it.

At first, you might find it difficult to approach me too. But we can get past this awkward stage if we share common interests or hobbies. You will know we’ve passed that when we start to ask questions.

Introverts like me feel important when people make effort to talk to us, although we might feel a little embarrassed at first when you try to introduce us to your friends. We like the feeling of making us comfortable than pushing us to socialize.

You might also find it weird when we feel relieved about cancelled plans.

Like everyone else, I love going out on dates. Just know that you might feel like I want to head home already. It’s not that I don’t want to spend more time with you, I just want to spend time with you alone. So, maybe next time we could just hang out at your place or mine.

Well, the most important thing is… just like every human being: I also want to be loved.

So yeah, you could say I am one of the quiet ones, but I can also be one of the loud ones. It’s complicated, I know. Fun getting to know me, huh?



Emman James

Creative storyteller crafting videos, blogs, podcasts, and music with purpose.