You’re allowed to care about your stats.

Opey Adeyemi
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2018

Just had to say this.

Okay so recently I’ve seen a push on social media that basically focuses on people being less obsessed with stats and more focused on creating good content. Firstly, let me just say that I agree with this movement. In a lot of ways, content on social media has become just a mush of people just making whatever they think will get the most views, likes, followers, etc. Fighting back against this is generally a good thing in my opinion. My issue with this movement, however, is how people seem to be pushing too far in the opposite direction. Let me explain.

Some of those around me are almost afraid to admit that they care about their statistics or growth. Everyone wants to go on long rants about how “numbers mean nothing” and they’ll “always just make the best content they can”. To me, it just seems like everyone wants to prove to their followers how little they care about numbers because they think it builds trust and speaks volumes towards their authenticity. But…it’s okay. You’re allowed to care about your follower count, the number of likes you got, the comments left on a post and any other metric related to your social media account.

“The point is to avoid getting absorbed by mindless devotion to stats, not just to ignore them altogether.”

It’s just fake. No one’s going to punish you for being happy that you gained a lot of followers or for being a little sad that you lost some. As long as you keep it in check, it’s okay. Acting like your stats don’t exist or matter at all just gives off a fake personality and when push comes to shove, everyone will know if you care or not. I’ve seen so many people make those long rants about how “numbers don’t matter” and then a while later when their account isn’t doing so well number-wise, turn around and rant about why people keep unfollowing them.

Just accept it. You can healthily care about your stats without it consuming you. Just as you avoid being sucked into the wormhole of stats, also remember to just be you and be okay with expressing your honest feelings.

So this was just my 3 cents on the entire “numbers mean nothing” movement. If you liked this, please clap it up on this post and feel free to check out my Instagram account (atropey).

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